Thread Number: 13673
Electrolux Model G
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Post# 145072   7/28/2011 at 14:00 (4,943 days old) by richardlxixxx (Jupiter, Florida)        

Greetings to all the Electrolux afficiandos,

I recently acquired a turquoise Model G. The machine works perfectly, however, it could use a beauty treatment. Does any know where I might purchase turquoise paint that will match the original color? Also, the bumper near the power cord is pretty worn down, which is typical of the Model G.

I would like to have this machine restored. Does anyone know of someone that does restorations?

Thank you,


Post# 145172 , Reply# 1   7/29/2011 at 08:41 (4,943 days old) by Real1 ()        

favorite machine & color.;-) As far as paint, you can try to get an epoxy or oil to match. I don't think you will just find it, per say. The bumper of the correct color is unobtainium....consider a pristine donor with maybe a bum motor and rob its parts.

As far as restoration, consider doing it yourself. Good luck!


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