Thread Number: 13643
Can anyone help me regarding this Eureka please?
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Post# 144782   7/26/2011 at 07:39 (4,946 days old) by apriliffic ()        

Can anyone please tell me about how old this Eureka Canister Vacuum Model # 513 is?

And also, about how much it might be worth?

I would so greatly appreciate it!
Thank You!

Post# 144787 , Reply# 1   7/26/2011 at 08:32 (4,946 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Hi April.  Your little Eureka is most likely from the mid to late 70's.  It's a later, stripped-down version of the Princess model which came out around 1961.   Yours looks to fairly clean and in good shape, and disposable bags for that model are still available online so, if it still runs well it could be a handy little vacuum in a small apartment or for quick cleanups.  The price when new was probably around $30.  I wouldn't say it has a wide appeal as a collectible, but it might catch the eye of someone with a very specific interest.



Post# 144815 , Reply# 2   7/26/2011 at 12:12 (4,945 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        
The Little Brown Can, Eureka !

This brown cannister was alive and well during the 1980's when I had given up being a Eureka Rep. and Open my own shop. It was either, orange or yellow in the late 70's when I was selling them. In the Ohio Branches, we actually Promoted them
at 48.00 to stand on their own. Or in a promo package, with this can and
a basic up right (small motor, No light) at your choice $48.00 or buy the both
for $96.99. It was usually done more in Big Box store promo's then the Federated
stores. The H bag that fits the little machine is still out there and very available. Great Metal Can ! Then the Plastic Pretty's came in ! and now few
are left !

Post# 144816 , Reply# 3   7/26/2011 at 12:21 (4,945 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Thanks for that clarification, Norm.  Those little Eurekas were quite a long-lived design and came in so many different colors/configurations it's hard to keep them all straight and in order.  Did they really go for $48 back then?  Wow, it's amazing how bits and pieces of trivia like this fade from memory after awhile, but then you were a rep so I'm glad you set the record (and my memory) straight!

Post# 144842 , Reply# 4   7/26/2011 at 16:05 (4,945 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        
Thanks But !

Don't know that my mind has ever Been So Straight !! Then again I have
managed, along the way !! LOL !

Post# 144845 , Reply# 5   7/26/2011 at 16:22 (4,945 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
Just my two "amps" worth here: The fact that this Eureka is using the old style rug nozzle with the separate curved wand is a clue to the production date. Eureka stopped using this carpet nozzle by the mid 1970's I estimate. At some point they went to a one-unit carpet nozzle that had an integrated plastic swivel neck, and had an added corner suction channel for "corner and edge cleaning".

I seem to remember some brown coloured uprights and canisters in the early 1970's, so along with the older rug nozzle, I would date this earlier than 1975.

Eurekaprince Brian

Post# 144885 , Reply# 6   7/26/2011 at 20:51 (4,945 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        
Another dating clue....

eurekaprince's profile picture
Just remembered that there is another dating clue to this vac - especially if the rug nozzle is not the one that originally came with this machine (who knows?)...

Look at the brandplate on the bottom of the machine where you have the serial number. If it says "Eureka Williams" than it's from 1974 or earlier. If it says "The Eureka Company", then it's from 1974 or later - the year that Sweden's Electrolux bought the company and changed the name.

Post# 144961 , Reply# 7   7/27/2011 at 16:54 (4,944 days old) by fanonthefloor (Augusta,Georgia)        

That vacuum is almost 40 yrs old and it is worth maybe in mint condition 15-30 dollars.

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