Thread Number: 13628
Eureka Motors
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Post# 144646   7/25/2011 at 11:04 (4,837 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

I was just wondering if anyone had any pictures of the different eureka motors. I have heard about a few of them including the "blender" motor and I believe the other one was called the pancake style motor?



Post# 144653 , Reply# 1   7/25/2011 at 12:36 (4,837 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Yep, Blender (the weaker one), and Pancake (the stronger one), those are the two main motors used in the Eureka and Sanitaire uprights over the years... :)

The Blender motor, as the name suggests, I think was derived from blenders, probably as a cheaper alternative to the more powerful Pancake motor, they do the job, but haven't the same power or that signature "whine" as the Pancake. And as for the name of the Pancake motor, I'd guess that's to do with it being wide & flat, kind of like a stack of pancakes, but that's only a guess... :)

I haven't heard of any other motors myself though, there could be others, but I know nothing about them... :)

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