Thread Number: 13624
Tradition/Heritage mix-up?
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Post# 144610   7/24/2011 at 21:14 (4,954 days old) by goodwilljones ()        

I bought a used Heritage, and read somewhere the Tradition attachments would work. Bought attachments, but the vacuum won't come on with the blue hose attached. A light on the vacuum lights up, but the motor won't work. Works great with the just the vacuum head. Am I stuck with the wrong hose?

Post# 144611 , Reply# 1   7/24/2011 at 21:44 (4,954 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
Right machine, wrong hose coupling

The light indicates that the foot switch is in the "on" position.  The motor doesn't turn on because the safety/speed switch is in a different position on the Heritage than on the Tradition and the Tradition's hose coupling doesn't line up with the switch.

Post# 144619 , Reply# 2   7/24/2011 at 23:24 (4,954 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

You will need a hose from Heritage, Heritage II, or Legend II.

I in fact have several Heritage hoses but am looking for a hose and (blue) attachments for my Tradition. I don't have a whole set of Heritage attachments but would be willing to trade a Heritage hose towards your set, if you are interested.

Post# 144637 , Reply# 3   7/25/2011 at 08:14 (4,953 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

If you want to keep the hose and tools, then you could just swap the hose end for a Heritage style one, might take a bit of work (old hoses usually do), but you can fit one relatively easily... :)

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