Thread Number: 13619
All Blue U.S. Convertible Models Made
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Post# 144554   7/24/2011 at 09:01 (4,751 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

Hi. I was wondering if by chance someone on here knew all of the blue Hoover Convertible models? I would like to then pick the model I think looks best and hopefully find one =). Thanks in advance.


Post# 144577 , Reply# 1   7/24/2011 at 14:16 (4,751 days old) by thevacuumman (Borger, TX)        

I had a U4519 that had the high performance motor

Post# 144587 , Reply# 2   7/24/2011 at 16:40 (4,751 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

Would you happen to have any pictures of it?

Post# 144599 , Reply# 3   7/24/2011 at 18:39 (4,751 days old) by thevacuumman (Borger, TX)        

no i don't i still have the vac(minus the motor) but need to replace my broken camera

Post# 144613 , Reply# 4   7/24/2011 at 22:08 (4,751 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

Oh well thanks anyway. Calling all Convertible experts! :)

Post# 144626 , Reply# 5   7/25/2011 at 02:36 (4,750 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        
Home Page Collections

pr-21's profile picture

On the Home page you will find links to users collections. One of the most extensive is our Webmaster's "Hoovercelebrity Collection". You will be able to see the various shades of blue used even though there won't be a model number. Also if you use the search option you can pull up vacuum threads that may discuss such things as colors, if I remember correctly.





Bud Mattingly

Post# 144644 , Reply# 6   7/25/2011 at 10:39 (4,750 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

Thankyou, Bud. I never thought to look in the collections =).


Post# 144645 , Reply# 7   7/25/2011 at 10:53 (4,750 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

Alright, to be more specific about the particular model I am looking for after doing a little research. I would like to find a dark blue Hoover Convertible with the wrap around headlight like the one shown in this picture. This picture is from another thread I found while searching. It would be the second one in from the left in the picture.


Post# 144654 , Reply# 8   7/25/2011 at 12:46 (4,750 days old) by guardsman69 ()        
blue hoover convertibles

dear darren some popular blue hoover models from the 1960s were the model 70,719.1070.from the 1970s the u4021,u4085, u4005,u4103,u4027,u4099, u4111,u411001,u4121,u4129,u4145,u4163.....1980s u4341,u4343,u4349,u4195,u4195-001 box top,u4363,u4423,1990....u4519, u4527,u4531, u4719,u4727 final domestic convertibles sold at sears during the brand central years hope that helps

Post# 144658 , Reply# 9   7/25/2011 at 13:33 (4,750 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

This post was last edited 07/25/2011 at 17:49
Post# 144680 , Reply# 10   7/25/2011 at 16:47 (4,750 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

Thanks guys for all the help =) . I believe what I am shooting for now is either a model 70 or 719, for they have the wrap around lens and the true blue color I was looking for.


Post# 144693 , Reply# 11   7/25/2011 at 17:43 (4,750 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        
Model 70

pr-21's profile picture



Here is the model 70 from the late 60's.

Post# 144700 , Reply# 12   7/25/2011 at 18:23 (4,750 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

Thats the one! Now to make my mom let me get one. That will be a chore!

Post# 144701 , Reply# 13   7/25/2011 at 18:28 (4,750 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

Also, PR-21, would you happen to have a Youtube account or some means of making a video? You don't have to but it would be great if you could! Thanks anyway though for all the help :)


Post# 144705 , Reply# 14   7/25/2011 at 18:32 (4,750 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Don't think of it as a chore.  It's an opportunity to sharpen your skills at negotiation.  And never miss an opportunity to demonstrate how responsible and mature you are.  Mothers love that!

Post# 144706 , Reply# 15   7/25/2011 at 18:36 (4,750 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        

pr-21's profile picture

I don't have the ability to do that. There is a youtube video for the model 70, but it is not very good.



Bud Mattingly

Post# 144707 , Reply# 16   7/25/2011 at 18:46 (4,750 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

That's alright. Thanks for the picture though. Now to resume the search this time knowing what I am looking for.

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