Thread Number: 13610
Old Royal and Airway sanitation system.
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Post# 144470   7/23/2011 at 14:21 (4,885 days old) by goldenboy72 ()        

Can someone tell me what a 1919 Royal upright is worth? I also have an early 30's Airway Sanitation System upright I would also like to know the est. value of. They were my Great-Grandparents and I have all the original paperwork from the Airway including original bill of sale, warranty certificate,owners manuals,extra paper bags,and thank you letter from the president of Airway thanking them for their purchase. I also have the attachments for this sweeper as well.

Post# 144471 , Reply# 1   7/23/2011 at 14:26 (4,885 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Cool! Royals from that period are fairly uncommon. Airway uprights are more common with the exception of the rare brush roll models.

Do post pictures. If they are all original they are pretty desirable. Do they work?

Post# 144507 , Reply# 2   7/23/2011 at 20:35 (4,885 days old) by myvacsrock (USA)        
Being quite honest...

A vacuum has "want or desire" more than it has value.
A dirty, old, and used vacuum cleaner is worthless unless someone desires it enough to pay something for it. I hope this kind of helps.

Post# 144524 , Reply# 3   7/23/2011 at 22:37 (4,885 days old) by Air-WayCharlie (USA)        

air-waycharlie's profile picture
It would be hard to determine any kind of value without pictures of every aspect of the vacuums and pictures of the literature as well. Pictures of the attachments are essential as well.

Some vacuums are more desirable than others. The more documentation you can provide will increase the possibility of the increase in value........note the word possibility. The world of vacuum collectors is relatively small.

There is still a fair number of Air-Way upright sanitary vacuums out and about. Please post some pics if you can and then perhaps the folks on this site can provide more information.


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