Thread Number: 13606
Hoover Concept Question
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Post# 144396   7/22/2011 at 23:42 (4,840 days old) by bvac6 (Fort Wayne, Indiana)        

bvac6's profile picture
Recently I saw a hoover concept on cragislist, they are asking $20, and my question is is that a pretty good price for one of those or what would be the normal price range on that? If you guys think thats a great deal I will more than likely go get it, any help greatly appreciated!

Post# 144398 , Reply# 1   7/22/2011 at 23:45 (4,840 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

I think if it runs smooth and not super loud it is definitely a good buy. The green isn't too common and they are amazing cleaners. Groom the carpet like a pro too.

Post# 144417 , Reply# 2   7/23/2011 at 05:39 (4,840 days old) by kenmore81 (Warwick, RI)        

kenmore81's profile picture

Agreed. I like the green to. Like Brandon said it is not to common.

Post# 144443 , Reply# 3   7/23/2011 at 09:40 (4,839 days old) by fanonthefloor (Augusta,Georgia)        

I have a concept 2 like that one it is ok, but if it runs great go for it.

Post# 144656 , Reply# 4   7/25/2011 at 13:01 (4,837 days old) by guardsman69 ()        

dear bvac 20 .00 for a concept is well worth the price...this 200.00 plus unit which was hoovers high end from 1978 replacing the dial a matic line wss kept in production until 1992 when it was replaced by a modified concept two upright sans the helpmate and added onboard tools and renamed the powermax....just a concept underneath it all....the unit pictured is a jcpenny concept in their signatur moss green color from the late 1980s and is an awesome unit ...i myself have the very last original concept ones model u3345900 in black made for sears in 1992 given to me by then vice president bob arnold at the hoover company in 1992 as a gift for sales that year

Post# 144657 , Reply# 5   7/25/2011 at 13:22 (4,837 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
They are very strong machines, parts getting tough.

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