Naphtalene is nasty stuff, highly carcinogenic and also causes other serious health problems. In California, it is classified as "known to the State to cause cancer." Its sale in this state was banned quite a few years ago but it can still be obtained in some other states.
Paradichlorobenzene crystal & balls are still available. I've seen them at hardware and drug stores.
But it's a funny thing ... no one seems to use them anymore! I can't remember the last time I smelled them anywhere or heard anyone talking about them.There was a time when households were piled high with the stuff-- in closets, garment bags, in the cracks and crevices of upholstered furniture, even between mattresses. I guess the moth problem is not as bad as it used to be -- or perhaps it was largely advertising hype to sell moth eradicating chemicals and equipment.......
I will say, naphtalene smells better than paradichlorobenzene. Reminds me of the old joke we used to play on unsuspecting victims: Ask them, "Say, have you ever smelled moth balls?" Invariably the response will be, "Ugh, ptooey, ick! They smell terrible!" You say, " did you get his little legs apart?"
ba-DUMP-bump *krrsh*
"But seriously folks..."
"I'm here all night......."