Thread Number: 13600
moth crystals
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Post# 144351   7/22/2011 at 16:26 (4,926 days old) by whirlpolf ()        

hi everyone.

I've just been wondering if anyone is using moth crystals or moth balls at all. Having learned that naphtalene and paradichlorobenzene (is that spelling right in English?) are no longer used for being toxic or carcinogenic, I wonder what you old-style vac guys can tell me about using the "crystalator" (Kirby) or any other of these moth-killing (or -gassing) units. Is synthetic camphor a good substitute? Lavender oil has proven to be a good repellent, but will it work with crystalizor gadgets?

As insects are an issue here (living quite close to several corn and wheat fields, the horse riding track not being far away with its stables) - I'd be interested in any useful advice as to what comes to flying insects repellants. (The less cancer triggering = the better, of course. Just had my brother in the clinic with cancer, thanks).

Post# 144355 , Reply# 1   7/22/2011 at 17:05 (4,926 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Personally I wouldn't use the Crystallator for it's original purpose (well, aside from using it as the intake filter for using the Kirby as a blower), blasting chemicals into the air that are designed to kill or deter moths can't be good for your health... :S

Just get some offcuts of Cedar, drill a hole in it and hang it up in your wardrobe, and sand it down every now and then, that should keep the moths out... :)

Citronella can also help keep some flying insects out, but as for other flying insects, just get yourself a bug zapper, there's a somewhat sadistic bit of entertainment from one of those things, watching a fly think "Ooooh!! UV light!!", then it flies toward it and promptly gets electrocuted... :P

Post# 144402 , Reply# 2   7/22/2011 at 23:54 (4,926 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




Naphtalene is nasty stuff, highly carcinogenic and also causes other serious health problems. In California, it is classified as "known to the State to cause cancer." Its sale in this state was banned quite a few years ago but it can still be obtained in some other states.


Paradichlorobenzene crystal & balls are still available. I've seen them at hardware and drug stores.


But it's a funny thing ... no one seems to use them anymore! I can't remember the last time I smelled them anywhere or heard anyone talking about them.There was a time when households were piled high with the stuff-- in closets, garment bags, in the cracks and crevices of upholstered furniture, even between mattresses. I guess the moth problem is not as bad as it used to be -- or perhaps it was largely advertising hype to sell moth eradicating chemicals and equipment.......


I will say, naphtalene smells better than paradichlorobenzene. Reminds me of the old joke we used to play on unsuspecting victims: Ask them, "Say, have you ever smelled moth balls?" Invariably the response will be, "Ugh, ptooey, ick! They smell terrible!" You say, " did you get his little legs apart?"


ba-DUMP-bump *krrsh*


"But seriously folks..."


"I'm here all night......."


Post# 144404 , Reply# 3   7/22/2011 at 23:58 (4,926 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


If the stuff has contents with a name like parapolopiabingo or however that's spelled. I wouldn't consider using it!

Same goes for that naptimely stuff.


Post# 144407 , Reply# 4   7/23/2011 at 01:15 (4,926 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

I live in "bugville",too-the Southern states are loaded with the little beasties.If you use the UV "bugzapper"DON'T hang it where you will be-or it will draw them right too you.Hang it in a place where you WON'T many bugs LOVE the smell,taste, of humans,mammals, and their fluids.Even with theh ouse closed up tight-the things still get in-insdie -the vacuums have them!!

Post# 144414 , Reply# 5   7/23/2011 at 02:42 (4,926 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




Now how weird is this ... just now as I am sitting here reading this thread about moths, what to wondering eyes should appear flitting into my computer screen but ... a MOTH!!! I can't remember the last time I saw one. This bugger did not require moth balls to dispatch him, all it took was the swat of a rolled up magazine. Ewwwg, now I have moth guts smeared on the corner of my monitor!!


Post# 144418 , Reply# 6   7/23/2011 at 05:58 (4,926 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

You should have used one of your vacuums to pick the moth up-no guts on your monitor screen!I use my vacuums to pick up the bugs all of the time-they make a delightful soft "ding" when picked up by my NSS M1!and same with the Royal metal upright.With plastic fan vac-just a muffled "clack".I picked up a large roach with one of my Meiles and he left a greasy spot on the Flitrete bag.

Post# 144425 , Reply# 7   7/23/2011 at 07:52 (4,926 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

I don't think the Crystallator for my 510 has ever been used. I don't intend to use it either as most of my attachments still look like brand new. :)

What model did Kirby stop offering that as a feature? I remember quite a few years ago (I'm 28) of old people that smelled like moth balls, but I can't recall smelling it for a long time now. Here in Canada I really don't think that is an issue, the only moths I see in the house are ones that might get inside when the door is left open too long at night.

Post# 144446 , Reply# 8   7/23/2011 at 10:06 (4,926 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I think the last Kirby to have the Crystallator was the Tradition, earlier ones of course, cos the later ones seemed to have the plain intake guard... :)

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