Thread Number: 13598
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Post# 144316   7/22/2011 at 11:13 (4,840 days old) by richardlxixxx (Jupiter, Florida)        

Hello to all the vacuum collectors. I am new to the club, but have a small collection of vintage Electrolux vacuums.

I recently acquired an Automatic E. It works perfectly, however there is some paint loss on the cordwinder and front. Does anyone out there know where I can purchase the Hammertone Blue paint used on the model E?

Also, I am looking for an Electrolux Model AF. My mother had one when I was a child and I always admired that machine. It was such a lively color combination.

My collection consists of a 1948 Electrolux XXX, a 1951 Model LX (purchased from the original owner. I have the orginal owners manual and bill of sale), an Automatic E, an Olympia, and finally a Super J.

I am mainly interested in pre model 1205 Electrolux vacuums.

A great day to all,


Post# 144323 , Reply# 1   7/22/2011 at 12:21 (4,840 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




Hello Richard, and Welcome -- from another Electrolux nut!


The hammertone finish on vacuum cleaners and other appliances is a baked-on paint that you can't totally replicate without the ovens and special paint and paint guns used to create it.


There is spray-can hammertone paint but it doesn't look the same and is very tricky to work with. You have to get just the perfect thickness of paint for it to produce that mottled effect -- too little paint and it won't spread out; too thick and you get runs and drips. Unless the scratches are just absolutely dreadful I'd say don't try to paint them unless you plan to paint the entire machine, knowing that the paint is not going to look original.


I love the AF too -- check out this section of my web site:

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK

Post# 144337 , Reply# 2   7/22/2011 at 15:14 (4,840 days old) by richardlxixxx (Jupiter, Florida)        

Good Afternoon Charles,
Thank you for the welcome.

Your tip on repainting the Automatic E is noted. I probably will just live with condition of the machine. It really is not in bad shape. Just a couple of scratches here and there.

If I am every lucky enough to find an Automatic F in great condition, I will let you know. Maybe you can quide me through a restoration.

Your website on Electrolux is outstanding and very informative. Also, your collection is an inspiration. Where do you display all your vacuums??

Have a wonderful day and stay well,

Post# 144340 , Reply# 3   7/22/2011 at 15:41 (4,840 days old) by luxman107 (USA )        

Hey Richard in Jupiter,, Another Electrolux fanatic here in Deland fl

Post# 144382 , Reply# 4   7/22/2011 at 22:33 (4,840 days old) by veroroger (Vero Beach, Florida)        
even closer!

Just up the road in Vero Beach. Truthfully, not heavily into Electrolux (should be with the number of units my parents had!) but do love the older, quieter models. That model F is the first Electrolux that I remember.

Post# 144406 , Reply# 5   7/23/2011 at 00:10 (4,840 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        

Say, why don't you post a picture?

I would say that you could take the vacuum to, let's say a Benjamin Moore paint store and get a quart of oil paint matched to that color, forget about just buying it off the shelf or getting a match done at Lowes or a hardware store.

Then, with a fine artist brush, carefully just take out the offending scratch.

Then, after the paint has cured, put some car polish on the whole area.

Post# 144436 , Reply# 6   7/23/2011 at 09:10 (4,840 days old) by Real1 ()        
Hey..... need a Model G, preferably in turquoise.;-) Welcome to the group!


Post# 144484 , Reply# 7   7/23/2011 at 16:41 (4,839 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

I'm CRAZY about ELECTROLUX! Esp. the pre-plastic tanks; but if I was to get a plastic one, I'd go for a Lux Classic & not the Guardian or anything with the new quick-connect plastic wands.

Post# 144509 , Reply# 8   7/23/2011 at 21:13 (4,839 days old) by Real1 ()        

stop at the 1205, but owned a new Diamond Jubilee in the mid 80's. I think exposed, shiny metal is the best thing about the old LUX's.;-)


Post# 144631 , Reply# 9   7/25/2011 at 06:33 (4,838 days old) by richardlxixxx (Jupiter, Florida)        

Hi Kevin,

I am actually checking out a turquise Model G. Hoping that it is good condition.
The Model G was the first Electrolux I owned. I am also looking for a Model Automaic F in good condition.
Thank you for your responses. Sorry it took so long to reply, but it was a very hectic weekend and computer time was very limited.
Have a great day,

Post# 144761 , Reply# 10   7/25/2011 at 23:13 (4,837 days old) by Real1 ()        

I discovered here recently, even the turquoise Model G had some variants. Some had the PN connection in the front....some (like mine) have the PN port just ahead of the right, front wheel; with the front wheels pushed back a bit from the early models. And some had the PN port installed in the handle! Very possible to wind up with a G and two PN ports (or even three!).;-)

Then....the early G's had the cord bumper to protect the Belden cord end. And so it goes....


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