Thread Number: 13596
Circa 1990 Royal 655Z HDC Upright
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Post# 144286   7/22/2011 at 02:35 (4,754 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
On eBay, there is a model 655Z Royal HDC upright (HDC = Heavy Duty Commercial). This appears to be a 1990 to 1995 model going by the text of the warning decal alone, and also the 9-blade fan (models made March 1990 and earlier had the 6-blade fans that Royal had used since about after World War II).

The additional "Z" suffix after the basic model # indicates the disposable bag system.

The model 655 was the only member in the low-cost 5.0 amp HDC family that had the Adjust-O-Rite; essentially, it is the gray-painted motor and handle of the 654/656 combined with the aforementioned plug used on the even-numbered members in the 660/670/680/690 series.

The 655(Z) was also available with a red denim bag as the Duke series 7500(Z).


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