Thread Number: 13590
WANTED: Hoover: Junior, Senior, Constellation, Hooverette or Dustette
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Post# 144242   7/21/2011 at 17:37 (4,832 days old) by supermaticjames ()        

Hi all,

I have a Hoover 3314L Twin Tub that I restored from ruins and I want to make it look complete by owning one of the above vaccums from the same era and and iron.

I am having trouble in Ireland finding one. Any ideas?


Post# 144683 , Reply# 1   7/25/2011 at 17:06 (4,828 days old) by supermaticjames ()        
I'd really like one of these

Would there be any good places in Ireland to find one?

Post# 144685 , Reply# 2   7/25/2011 at 17:17 (4,828 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Going from best to worst places, ebay, local vac shops, car boot sales, flea markets, back streets, skips, bins and maybe the odd canal or river... :)

Post# 144688 , Reply# 3   7/25/2011 at 17:26 (4,828 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
I suggest looking at

Online advertisements, jumble sales, moving-house sales, charity shops, junk shops, and even other people's bins on trash collection days.  One great source I find here for all sorts of vintage items are at the estate sales held after the death of an elderly person.  Much patience is required but persistence usually pays in the long run!


By the way, I like your vintage washers, and your little wash house is wonderful!



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