Thread Number: 13567
Trying to find some info on a Kirby vacuum,Dual Sanitronic 50
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Post# 143947   7/19/2011 at 16:07 (4,952 days old) by Hollywood ()        

Hi all,
I have really nice Kirby Dual Santronic 50.Was wondering if anyone could give me some info on it,year,value etc...As I am new to vacuum cleaners.The Model # is 278006.Any help would be greatly appreciated.It's in beautiful condition.Just getting ready to clean it up,plugged it in and it ran awesome!
Thanks and God Bless

Post# 143948 , Reply# 1   7/19/2011 at 16:33 (4,952 days old) by Hollywood ()        
RE:Forgot there is a letter D before the serial #

Sorry forgot there is a letter D before the serial # The actual # is D278006
Thanks a bunch

Post# 143990 , Reply# 2   7/19/2011 at 20:00 (4,952 days old) by KC_Kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 143998 , Reply# 3   7/19/2011 at 22:10 (4,952 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Well, for starters, congrats on your find! A great vacuum. One of Kirby's best in my opinion.

And for info on it.

It was made from 1965-1967. It was the first Kirby to have a two-speed motor, hence the name Dual Sanitronic. It was the only Kirby to have the little glowing Kirby logo on the hood.

I have one of these machines and not a single part is replaced. If you could post a picture I could tell you if anything is a replacement part.

Post# 144017 , Reply# 4   7/20/2011 at 00:24 (4,952 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
The Model Dual Sanitronic 50 was also the first Kirby to offer the Rug Renovator as an optional attachment!

Post# 144022 , Reply# 5   7/20/2011 at 02:09 (4,952 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




And also the first to have the Roll-O-Waxer!



Post# 145227 , Reply# 6   7/29/2011 at 22:42 (4,942 days old) by kirbydude ()        
2 speed kirby motor

can someone tell me how a dual speed motor works? does it have a control for the speeds?

Post# 145228 , Reply# 7   7/29/2011 at 22:54 (4,942 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        
Dual speed motor

Basically, Its all in the safety switch.

When you put the nozzle on, it presses the "low" safety/speed switch.
When you put on the hose, it presses the "high" safety/speed switch.

Look at the safety switch on any Kirby made after 1965. You should seee two little buttons on it.

Hope this helps!

Post# 145229 , Reply# 8   7/29/2011 at 22:57 (4,942 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
2 speed switch

The safety switch under the fan opening determines the motor speed depending on what is attached.  The carpet head when it's attached depresses the switch to the low speed.  The hose will depress the switch further for high speed.

Post# 145232 , Reply# 9   7/29/2011 at 23:03 (4,942 days old) by ralph (Morgan Hill)        

If you take the nozzle off of the DS-50 or DS-80 and turn it on with the main switch the light will go on but the motor will not turn. If you push down on one of the switches on the safety switch at the front of the vacuum the motor will start spinning. Be careful; do not get your fingers or other items near the fan. If you push the other switch down the motor will change speed. You can tell this by the sound the motor makes. The low speed setting is used when the nozzle is in place. The high speed position is used when a hose is attached to the unit. I think the RPM of the motor changes from 10k to 15k between the two settings. I think they did this for air flow losses with the hose and attachments. I do know my dual 80 works al lot better than my 518 with the hose and attachments. BTW if you do this with the bag and emptor off, the switch hard wired on; hold on to the vacuum! There is enough air coming out of it to propel the unit across the floor. Do not ask me why I know this, LOL! Don’t try this as the vacuum will eventually tip over and the spinning fan tip is not kind to flooring. Add some weight to the back of your vacuum and perhaps we could have Kirby races…

Post# 145244 , Reply# 10   7/30/2011 at 00:58 (4,942 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

And as to how a 2-speed motor works, it's simple, the switch operates part of the field coil (floor mode) or operates all of the field coil (hose mode), basically activating the extra turns on the coil to produce more power to turn the motor, it's simple really... :)

At least, that's how I think it works... :S

Post# 145261 , Reply# 11   7/30/2011 at 07:57 (4,942 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

This explains why my 510 has such terrible suction compared to my other (newer) Kirbys! I knew about the switch but didn't realize the older kirbys didn't have them.

As for value, that is a bit of a tricky question. Vacuums are not really worth that much as "antiques" (the d50 is not really an antique though, just vintage.) If it is in good condition with most original parts (especially the bag-very important) then I'd say around $100. But it's really worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I paid $100 for my 510 with all attachments and it was taken care of. If you restore it to look like "new", full polish to a mirror shine, you might be able to get more.

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