Thread Number: 13556
The three model 28 hoods.
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Post# 143840   7/18/2011 at 21:59 (4,866 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Hey guys and gals

I can't recal the three different Hoover 28 hoods. Can someone clarify them?

I know there is the normal Bakelite hood but there is also the cast aluminum one.

Does anyone have pictures of all three? I know they look a little different.


Post# 144118 , Reply# 1   7/20/2011 at 20:16 (4,864 days old) by pinkge (Indianapolis,Indiana)        
Hoover 28 hoods

the first was a metal hood with no decals,the second,was Bakelite with a revivited metal decal,the third was just a decal on the hood.Dr M Kaplan might agree on this.

Post# 144128 , Reply# 2   7/20/2011 at 21:50 (4,864 days old) by marukap (Saint Louis, MO)        
Tempest in a 28 hood

I've seen metal hoods with decal stripes, Bakelite with striped metal bands and Bakelite with decal stripes on 28s.  I've seen plain Bakelite hoods bereft of stripes, but not on a 28.  I think those are replacement hoods and it must have been left to the repair shop to either paint the sides like saddle shoes for a 27, or attach/apply stripes for a 28.


Gurus in the club have said that the Bakelite hoods with the metal band are earlier than the decal-striped ones.  I'll buy that!


Wouldn't the metal hoods have been used on the 28C (or was it C-28) - the commercial/heavy duty version?


I'm also pretty sure I've seen metal hoods painted black with no decoration on 305s.  My absolute fave is the black Bakelite 305 hood with the cast-in H O O V E R lettering along the top ridge.






Post# 144149 , Reply# 3   7/20/2011 at 23:03 (4,864 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Thanks guys! That was great info.

My 28 has a Bakelite and metal band hood.

A local vac shop has a few 305s that I really want to take a hood from. I love their design.

Did have a 27 with the two tone brown too.

Post# 144151 , Reply# 4   7/20/2011 at 23:13 (4,864 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

a 305 is at the absolute top of my most dearly wanted list!  I'm sending you a personal email.

Post# 144181 , Reply# 5   7/21/2011 at 08:12 (4,864 days old) by 1926700 ()        
i have the.....

the first two hoods.....the metal....and the first bakelite,

the story that i recall hearing was that the 28 was started sightly before the war, thus having a metal hood....then WWII started, and the switched the hood to bakelite for the war effort....

im not sure about the two types of bakelite hoods.....but i will second Marty on the difference of the 305 H O O V E R hood.....

heres a pic of my metal 28.....and note mine is all original...

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