Thread Number: 13508
Craig_1982's Kirby collection
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Post# 143459   7/16/2011 at 11:04 (4,897 days old) by Craig_1982 (Newcastle Under Lyme (England))        

craig_1982's profile picture
Hello all, I am new to this forum so I hope I get this right lol
Here are some of my Kirby's that I have in my collection. Most are from Ebay except the Heritage machine which I have grown up with. The rest I have restored to the best of my ability.
I have 9 Kirby's in total...
4x Heritage 2
Legend 2
G 3
G 4

Post# 143485 , Reply# 1   7/16/2011 at 15:55 (4,897 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

Nice collection of machines. I have a Heritage II and a ledgend II that I use the most.

Post# 143508 , Reply# 2   7/16/2011 at 18:09 (4,897 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        
Hi Craig

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi Craig.
Nice collection of Kirby's. What other Kirbys are on your hit list and do you have a fave model.
I have a large collection of kirby's. If you go to my website you can flick through them.


Post# 143579 , Reply# 3   7/17/2011 at 02:01 (4,897 days old) by twocvbloke ()        
"I have a large collection of kirby's."

Now that's an understatement!!! :P

Post# 143589 , Reply# 4   7/17/2011 at 04:53 (4,897 days old) by Craig_1982 (Newcastle Under Lyme (England))        

craig_1982's profile picture
Hello thanks for the comments, @ James wow you certainly do have a big collection of vac's been looking through your Kirby museum now that's a nice collection of machines they all look in immaculate condition. On my hit list next is a Kirby classic 3 and then perhaps a G6 2000 limited edition after that possibly the Sentria, I liked your rare Kirby Heritage with the small head now that I would like lol as for my favourite Kirby I think it has to be the Tradition all though its closely followed by the Heritage which was the machine I grew up with and got into Kirby's.

Post# 143611 , Reply# 5   7/17/2011 at 10:41 (4,896 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        
Nice Collection Craig!

While some people may have dozens or hundreds of vacs, even a handful is a nice collection. My wife says I can only keep 5, lucky she has not counted (think I'm around 7 now)

2 questions for you (since we have some of the same machines)

Does your Tradition have the shakeout bag, or paper bag setup? Have changed it to take the newer style 3 bags?

Functionally, which do you like better the larger nozzle of Tradition/Heritage or smaller nozzle of Heritage II/Legend (or G series for that matter) ?

Post# 143619 , Reply# 6   7/17/2011 at 12:03 (4,896 days old) by Craig_1982 (Newcastle Under Lyme (England))        

craig_1982's profile picture

Thanks Dave, it's a good job then she hasn't counted them lol. My Fiancée doesn't mind me collecting them she says I can have as many as I like but I think its not going to be a massive collection compared to some I have seen on here probably 20 at the most when I've done.
To answer your questions Dave, the Tradition uses paper bag's it has the plastic hose and fitting inside to take the new style bags.
As for the nozzle's I think over all I prefer the smaller/thinner nozzle's that are on the later H2 and L2 models I think they look slightly better and the machine doesn't look as bulky, although saying that my favourite Kirby models are the Tradition and Heritage models which have the larger nozzle. I suppose I could change these two to have smaller nozzle's on as I have three spare nozzle heads but I'd rather keep the machines as original as possible.

Post# 143624 , Reply# 7   7/17/2011 at 12:19 (4,896 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

With the Tradition did you just put the new bag adapter on the old Tradition fill tube or did you put a new larger fill tube? If so did you make it fit onto the old bottom connector or change it to somethine else? (in the picture it looks like you have the sani-emptor, which looks best) ;)

Post# 143625 , Reply# 8   7/17/2011 at 12:21 (4,896 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Regarding swapping nozzles, please note that most HeritageII-LegendII nozzles will not operate the Tradition's safety switch, and thus the motor will not operate. Some Heritage and possibly early HeritageII nozzles (usually the big ones) will be able to operate the Trad's safety switch though, but I don't know if the little actuator thing that operates the Classic Omega to Trad switches carried over onto the smaller nozzles... :)

You could easily check this by looking on the backs of your nozzles and comparing the Trad with the Heritage series ones, just like in my pic below, where it shows my Heritage84 (Top) and Tradition (Bottom) nozzles, and the top one had the actuator still in place between the hinge points to operate the Tradition & earlier models, but also had the "new style" switch actuator on the left-hand hinge to operate the Heritage to LegendII models too... :)

Post# 143627 , Reply# 9   7/17/2011 at 12:41 (4,896 days old) by Craig_1982 (Newcastle Under Lyme (England))        

craig_1982's profile picture
All this was done when I purchased the Tradition Dave I Haven't had to alter anything with the Tradition, when I purchased the Tradition it had not long been service'd it looks like it has a larger tube between the fitting and the sani-emptor connected either end by 4x cable ties, and yes it has the sani-emptor well polished ;-) in fact I like this look so much I am thinking of getting a second Heritage Kirby but having a chromed sani emptor instead of the original painted one.

Post# 143630 , Reply# 10   7/17/2011 at 12:50 (4,896 days old) by Craig_1982 (Newcastle Under Lyme (England))        

craig_1982's profile picture
Hello David, yes I thought of that problem afterwards especially as I have no hose to fit the Tradition and I discovered the problem when I went to try the Heritage hose on it, that's something else on my shopping list a Tradition hose. I don't think I would have altered the tradition one anyway I am more likely to try this if I get a second Heritage machine probably have a smaller nozzle with a chromed sani emptor instead of a painted one.

Post# 143652 , Reply# 11   7/17/2011 at 15:39 (4,896 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        
Hi Craig

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi craig, If you are ever my way you can always pop in to the shop for a chat.
I'm sure as well your Kirby collection will grow. Are all your kirbys complete with all there attachments etc?

How long have you been visiting this site and do you have any other vac collector friends?


Post# 143653 , Reply# 12   7/17/2011 at 15:59 (4,896 days old) by Craig_1982 (Newcastle Under Lyme (England))        

craig_1982's profile picture

Hi James
Thanks if I'm over that way I will pop in, as for the attachments I only have two complete sets. A full set for the Heritage and a full set for the G4 I have hoses for the G3 and Heritage 2 with some attachments as well, I'm looking out for a complete Tradition set as I have nothing for that.
I have been looking at the site for about a week now it looked good and interesting so I signed up and no I don't have any vac collecting friends.

Post# 143655 , Reply# 13   7/17/2011 at 16:10 (4,896 days old) by turbomaster1984 (Ripley, Derbyshire)        

turbomaster1984's profile picture
Welcome Craig,

You must be the mysterious Kirby Kollector a certain ebay seller in Kidsgrove was telling me about when I went to collect some vacs from him.

Welcome to the site, great place and some great people.

Only down the road from you, I live just off the D road in Crewe.
Lots of offers but let me know if you want to come for a brew. No Kirby's here - sadly sold our Heritage I as it was too heavy for me but id snap up a G Tech model in a flash.

Nice to see you here.


Post# 143661 , Reply# 14   7/17/2011 at 16:43 (4,896 days old) by Craig_1982 (Newcastle Under Lyme (England))        

craig_1982's profile picture

Thanks Robert.
lol I am not sure about being that mysterious Kirby collector :) the site is very good and the people seem nice and informative I look forward to staying around. I'm at the other end of the D road Clayton to be exact I have a auntie in Crewe so I might just take you up on that offer of a brew lol shame about the Kirby Heritage but there not for everybody was it in good condition when you sold it?

Post# 143665 , Reply# 15   7/17/2011 at 17:04 (4,896 days old) by turbomaster1984 (Ripley, Derbyshire)        

turbomaster1984's profile picture

Oh, not so sure now lol. "Brindley" mentioned about a Kirby collector in Stoke, just assumed it was you, lol

Shavington to be precise here - nice quiet village 2 miles from crewe although Im a Crewite born and bred. Work with a few folk from Up Hanley Duck, nice lot you clay heads :) :P mannas mary :)

the kirby was in good nick, i bought it off ebay polished it up and used it. now its doing service somewhere in Blackburn.

Nice selection you have matey :)

Post# 143667 , Reply# 16   7/17/2011 at 17:23 (4,896 days old) by Craig_1982 (Newcastle Under Lyme (England))        

craig_1982's profile picture

lol I think there is a Kirby collector in wolstanton that also does repairs could be them possibly? I've heard of shavington not too far then from where my auntie lives lets hope the people in Blackburn are looking after it lol. Thanks it's not as many as I have seen on here but I'm pleased with it so far and its only going to get bigger lol

Post# 143668 , Reply# 17   7/17/2011 at 17:29 (4,896 days old) by turbomaster1984 (Ripley, Derbyshire)        
ah ok

turbomaster1984's profile picture
now this is a long shot but did you by any chance place an ad in Crewe Chornicle a few months back regarding Hoover Seniors?

If not then that makes 3 of us in a 15 mile radius lololol.

Post# 143725 , Reply# 18   7/18/2011 at 01:00 (4,896 days old) by Craig_1982 (Newcastle Under Lyme (England))        

craig_1982's profile picture

no mate not me lol

Post# 143757 , Reply# 19   7/18/2011 at 13:45 (4,895 days old) by turbomaster1984 (Ripley, Derbyshire)        

turbomaster1984's profile picture
Well spose I best pluck up courage to see who did then by ringing the number lol. Id figure that would now make 4 vac collectors within 15 miles.


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