Thread Number: 13491
Hoover List- Models 541-28.
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Post# 143344   7/15/2011 at 13:31 (4,898 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Well, we havn't had one of these in a while... Though I would post one. Please tell me any mistakes I made or things that I could add. (PS I will do another list just on Specials, Dusters, and Canisters. Ill also do another list on Hoovers made beore 1923.) Im only putting in the "basic" models, too, with the exception of the 150.

1923- Model 105.

1923-1926- Model 541. Featured more durable bag, lighter, and a ball-bearing brushroll.

1926-1929- Model 700. First Hoover to use a rubber cord. Suction was more powerful than the previous model and was the first model with a "Ronac" bag. First Hoover with a beater bar on the brushroll.

1929-1931- Model 725. Few changes.

1932-1933: Model 750. First model to be able to be fitted with a headlight.

1934-1936- Model 800 "Jubilee". First to have a headlight as a standard on the model.

1935-1938- Model 825. Few changes.

1935-1939: Model 150 Cleaning Ensemble: Totally redisigned to an art-deco style. Had a "Full bag" indicator.

1939-1942: Model 26. Few changes.

1945- Model 27. Few changes.

1947- Model 28. Few changes.

Thank you all for reading this. I may have made a few mistakes, so please correct any that you find.

And a special thank you to Jack Copp's, because I got some of my info for this list there.

Post# 143345 , Reply# 1   7/15/2011 at 13:40 (4,898 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Actually th first Hoover with a beater bar was the 543.

Aside from some models missing such as the 575 and 25 the list is quite good.

Post# 143592 , Reply# 2   7/17/2011 at 08:15 (4,896 days old) by marukap (Saint Louis, MO)        
From my circa 1960 Hoover Service Manual

Page 1 of "Hoover Products" table

Post# 143593 , Reply# 3   7/17/2011 at 08:17 (4,896 days old) by marukap (Saint Louis, MO)        
"Hoover Products" continued

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Post# 143594 , Reply# 4   7/17/2011 at 08:18 (4,896 days old) by marukap (Saint Louis, MO)        
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"Cleaning Tool Connectors for use on Various Hoover Models"

Post# 309296 , Reply# 5   12/19/2014 at 17:17 (3,645 days old) by ronni (USA)        

I have come across this thread and another featuring a list of later Hoover Concept models. However, I am curious to know if there is a complete Hoover Floor Care list featuring uprights, tanks, scrubbers, shampooers, etc.? If so, please post a link to the thread or site.

I don't have a certain machine I'm interested in but would appreciate having a reference list.

Concept Model thread:

Post# 309302 , Reply# 6   12/19/2014 at 18:27 (3,645 days old) by bvac6 (Fort Wayne, Indiana)        

bvac6's profile picture
Wasn't it the 725 that used the flat belt?

Post# 309304 , Reply# 7   12/19/2014 at 18:42 (3,645 days old) by HisMastersVoice (Ferndale, MI)        

hismastersvoice's profile picture
No, the 725 doesn't use a flat belt.

Post# 309362 , Reply# 8   12/20/2014 at 09:35 (3,644 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
flat belt

Hoover 425 (or 450?)

Post# 309367 , Reply# 9   12/20/2014 at 10:20 (3,644 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
Flat belt on 425 only. 450 uses round belt.

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