Thread Number: 13452
Vintage Vacuums and Dusting Frequency
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Post# 143055   7/13/2011 at 15:23 (4,938 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
Our living room has white shutters installed on the sliding glass door. I normally have to dust them every month or so when they look dirty. Anyway, I have been using my newly restored Kirby Tradition with the regular Style 1 bags for three weeks now. The first week I started using it, I dusted the shutters with my Miracle Mate.

So I go outside to mow the lawn early this morning, and I see the shutters are covered in dust! It hasn't gotten this dirty before in only 2 weeks.

Considering this Kirby has quite poor filtration compared to today's vacs, do you think the Kirby might have contributed to all this dust? Seeing this dust and reading carbon dust is toxic (which I hadn't known before) is worrying me.
Any other experiences with using vintage cleaners and having to dust more often?

Post# 143058 , Reply# 1   7/13/2011 at 15:51 (4,938 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Well, if you're using plain paper bags, then, yes, the Kirby will be contributing to the dust, as the paper bags are not as effective as say a modern Kirby Polypropylene bag, and the easy option to remedy this is to upgrade to a Style-3 or F-Style mini-emtor setup (style-3 is easier cos then you can use the same bags on other Kirbys you may have, except more recent Sentrias which are F-style) and use the modern white poly. bags...

As for the carbon dust, well, given that it's released by ALL brushed-motors, be it a vacuum, a drill, a mixer, a blender or whatever, then it cannot be avoided, BUT, the motors emit such tiny amounts, then they are rendered as harmless, to have it effectively be "toxic", you'd have to be in a very small room with about 100 motors running all at the same time 24/7, so don't believe the hype about everything being "Toxic" or "Poisonous", because after all, they're just trying to sell you something through scaremongering...

The idea of things like dust being harmful is a fallacy, yes dust carries some rather unpleasant things, but, these unpleasant things are what build up your immune system, which helps to keep you healthy, if you remove those from your environment, you end up with severe allergies, asthma, breathing difficulties, being easily susceptible to relatively minor infections, etc., so the only really toxic thing is following the so-called advice and suffering as a consequence...

When using my Hoover Juniors with original low filtration Hoover cardboard bags, I used to end up with a runny nose and sneezing pretty often, and I don't have respiratory allergies, but after I upgraded to higher filtration bags (borrowed from my Victor Europa 271), the runny nose and sneezing stopped, thus proving that the plain paper bags were at fault and releasing large amounts of fine dust back into the air...

But anyway, to improve your Trad's filtration, upgrade it with a Mini-emtor and use modern polypropylene bags, and don't forget to wash the outer bag thoroughly before reusing it... :)

Post# 143062 , Reply# 2   7/13/2011 at 16:04 (4,938 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Umm, Why your kirby might be adding some dust to the air I doubt its that much. Esp if the outer bag has been washed and your using genuine Kirby style one bags.

The ammount of carbon dust being blown out of any vac yet alone your kirby tradition is so small its not worth thinking about.

Using any old/vintage vac will blow more dust out than its modern conterparts as long as the bag etc is in good condition (eg no holes.) I would not let it stop you/us from using our vintage/classic vacs around the house:o)


Post# 143063 , Reply# 3   7/13/2011 at 16:12 (4,938 days old) by akabent (LEFT Coast)        
Carbon Dust

There is a solution to this! Electrolux vacuums from 1930 to 1957 (models XII to AE) have exhaust filtration (done away with on the AF later in 1957). It really does capture both dust having escaped the bag ('Dirt Trap' in Electrolux jargon) PLUS carbon dust being emitted. At least a really significant portion of it. I say use a vintage Electrolux!! Makes more sense for dusting anyway, IMHO!
Rick B

Post# 143064 , Reply# 4   7/13/2011 at 16:31 (4,938 days old) by twocvbloke ()        
"There is a solution to this!"

Isn't ditching a Kirby in favour of an electrolux cylinder vac more a case of killing the patient to cure the disease? :\

In any case, there's no need to get another vac seeing as he has a Miracle Mate, which has pre and post motor filtration, not to mention bags more cleaning power than an old Electrolux...

Post# 143065 , Reply# 5   7/13/2011 at 16:33 (4,938 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        
dusty shutters

When did you notice all the dust on the shutters? Considering you just had a huge dust storm on the 5th of July. More than likely that is contributing to the dusty shutters. Even with a house closed up and the AC on dust can still enter the home.
I don't think the Kirby is the problem.

Post# 143067 , Reply# 6   7/13/2011 at 16:48 (4,938 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
Thanks to everyone who responded. I'm not as concerned now, but I still think the Kirby is making the house dusty. Glad to hear about carbon dust, I will forget about that now.

I would upgrade to the newer Kirby HEPA bags, but I'm trying to keep the machine as original as possible, so it will be worth more when I sell it. :) I did not wash the bag, but I did thoroughly vacuum it with my handy-dandy Miracle Mate, which seems to clean everything but the carpets these days.

kirby519: We did have a dust storm on 5th, which is normal for this time of year. You can see brown dirt by some windows, but the dust on the shutters are gray with dog hair, which always lands on them.

akabent: I know what Electrolux filters you are talking about, but I only own an XXX, which is too weak to use in my house. Thanks for the suggestion!

Post# 143068 , Reply# 7   7/13/2011 at 16:51 (4,938 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

I've noticed that with my tradition as well as older non bagged machines like kirbys that things are always more dusty after a while. That's Why I always use a modern machine more than anything all the time. Leaves things quite a bit cleaner than the old machines do.

Post# 143069 , Reply# 8   7/13/2011 at 17:01 (4,938 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

The upgrade is reversible, you just remove the metal sani-emtor & filltube and store that somewhere safe, then fit the Mini-emtor & filltube, and if you want to sell it as original as you can, then just refit the original parts, easy as pie... :)

Post# 143075 , Reply# 9   7/13/2011 at 18:09 (4,938 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        
Model 260

pr-21's profile picture

I also believe that back in the 70's and 80's, I had to dust more often. If you use a Rainbow, this won't happen. I like to use my Model 260 and was able to find f & g bags with not quite hepa filtration and I don't have to dust more often.



Bud Mattingly

Post# 143076 , Reply# 10   7/13/2011 at 18:44 (4,938 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Well, I havn't used a modern vacuum (With the exception of my G5 every other month or so) in about a year. I always use my vintages. I really don't notice a change in dust when using different vacuums, but thats because I dust usually once every two weeks.

Now on to filtration.

I do agree with you that the better filtering vacuum, the less dust.

Ive been using my Compact C6 and my Tradition as my daily drivers for a few months now. I have really bad dust alleregies so using a good filtering vacuum is a must. I always got sick when I used a plastivac Hoover or DD just because of the dust that they are either stirring up or creating- but I havn't sneezed once since I statred using my Compact.

And sorry if this post didn't make any sense. :P

Post# 143086 , Reply# 11   7/13/2011 at 19:13 (4,938 days old) by hoover1 ()        

I am an extreme neat freak, I vacuum two times a day and dust two times a week.

Post# 143171 , Reply# 12   7/14/2011 at 08:00 (4,938 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

I live in Wisconsin. The apartment I live in has forced air heat and AC. I have noticed at times that I have more dust and cat hair settling on the furniture at times. Other times it doesn't seem to be a problem. Have you checked your furnace filters or have you been operating fans to help move the air on hot days? Or have you had more traffic in the house that would stir up the dust?

Post# 143175 , Reply# 13   7/14/2011 at 09:00 (4,938 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
This is Arizona, we have to keep the AC on most of the day! And it has been running at the same times for a least 2 months now. But yes, the AC filters are still clean and are TOL Filtrete. House traffic is normal. It's just in two weeks with one vintage vacuum, I see as much dust in a month as when using a modern vacuum.

Post# 143195 , Reply# 14   7/14/2011 at 14:59 (4,937 days old) by akabent (LEFT Coast)        
a case of killing the patient

Depends if you want a clean patientLaughing (or one with back problems!Frown)

Please know I am saying this in jest or 'tongue-N-cheek', being an avowed Hoover and Electrolux fan. I did have a Kirby once....
Rick B

Post# 143213 , Reply# 15   7/14/2011 at 17:12 (4,937 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Vintage vacuums

I have a Kirby & haven't had problems with dust leaks. U might also have to check the gaskets (mine worn out & I put new one) Get only Micro-lined bags, stay away from single-ply bags.

When I use a Compact/TriStar, filtration greatly improved with micro lined bags & HEPA motor filter.

When I use the Lux(es) I use Perfect Style C HEPA bags

Its a good thing I use a diffrent vac every day instead of the same one.

Post# 143215 , Reply# 16   7/14/2011 at 17:15 (4,937 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Vintage vacuums

I have a Kirby & haven't had problems with dust leaks. U might also have to check the gaskets (mine worn out & I put new one) Get only Micro-lined bags, stay away from single-ply bags.

When I use a Compact/TriStar, filtration greatly improved with micro lined bags & HEPA motor filter.

When I use the Lux(es) I use Perfect Style C HEPA bags

Its a good thing I use a diffrent vac every day instead of the same one.

Post# 143240 , Reply# 17   7/14/2011 at 21:10 (4,937 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

I realize you are in AZ and it is over 100 deg most days and you would have the AC on most of the time.

Check the gaskets on the vacuum especially where the sani emptor attaches to the vaccum and the felt gasket in the tray on the sani emptor. Either one or both may be damaged. Also clean the outer bag very well. It could have some dust passing thru the outer bag. Also check to make sure there is no air leaks around the fan case where the front case is attached to the main housing. That could be another area where dust is escaping.

I clean exclusively with a kirby I have both the paper bag set up and the shake out bag set up. (Heritage II) I use the micron magic bags. I do occasionally vacuum out the inside and out side of both the bag setups I have.

Like I mentioned that some times I have more dust than other times with or with out the furnace operating.

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