Thread Number: 13400
Question about the electrolux model 2100
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Post# 142570   7/9/2011 at 21:53 (4,962 days old) by hoover1 ()        

I need some info on the electrolux 2100.

Post# 142596 , Reply# 1   7/10/2011 at 00:34 (4,962 days old) by gmerkt (Edmonds WA)        

What is the question?

Post# 142598 , Reply# 2   7/10/2011 at 00:52 (4,962 days old) by hoover1 ()        

when were these made.

Post# 142606 , Reply# 3   7/10/2011 at 07:05 (4,962 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

1985 - 87(ish)

Post# 142614 , Reply# 4   7/10/2011 at 09:25 (4,962 days old) by whirlsonicmore (South US)        

Be nice to these early plastic cans. Some of the material on these goes bad and just breaks apart.

Post# 142638 , Reply# 5   7/10/2011 at 12:09 (4,961 days old) by williamr1248 (USA)        
Question about the Electrolux 2100

You might be a little off on the dates. I bought one for a gift in 2000 and I recieved one as a gift in 2001. The one I gave as a gift proved to be very durable and trouble free. It has taken several trips down the stairs with no damage. The hose was somewhat crushed but it still works. I was surprised that the plastic bodied Electrolux was that sturdy.

The one I recieved as a gift is new in the box.
They were sold on QVC for several years and the name on the top changed Electrolux to Lux.

Post# 142639 , Reply# 6   7/10/2011 at 12:18 (4,961 days old) by williamr1248 (USA)        
Question about Electrolux 2100

My Electrolux 2100 looks just like the one picture at the start of the thread.
The new Lux Classic looks the same but different color. Mine did not come with 2 sets of wands but did have the floor brush.
I believe the new Lux Classic has the same motor as the new Lux Guardian according to their web site.

Post# 142640 , Reply# 7   7/10/2011 at 12:20 (4,961 days old) by Real1 ()        

Rob, I think you are most likely correct on the dates. The ex bought a 2100 around that time and her cleaning 'lady' killed that one; just like she killed the Diamond Jubilee that I originally bought. Now she has something very much like the original DJ that she bought from a dealer....I think refurbished. No cleaning 'lady', so it's surviving well I suppose. Man, did she ever hate that 2100, especially for the $$!


Post# 142654 , Reply# 8   7/10/2011 at 15:48 (4,961 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Lux Classic

Has a generic floor brush instead of the more efficient floor brush or combo flip rug/floor tool (the last two I prefer more than the "Cheapo")

The floor brush shown on this pic is the Cheapo. Its OK but I'd rather use that one on walls & ceilings & the more efficient one for floors (MAJOR improvement of dust pick-up)

Post# 142655 , Reply# 9   7/10/2011 at 16:01 (4,961 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Floor brush

This brush is the better one; I don't know why Aerus doesn't include this style with the Classic.

btw I meant the one with friction lock elbow.

Post# 142656 , Reply# 10   7/10/2011 at 16:04 (4,961 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

The best one. I dont know why Aerus won't offer this one or the one above as standard tools instead of the cheap one.

These photos courtesy of eBay (Last two) The first pic courtesy (Not my pics; just for reference)

Post# 142657 , Reply# 11   7/10/2011 at 16:22 (4,961 days old) by lux1521 ()        
Production Dates

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly sure there were two 2100s. The first was the HI-TEC 2100 from the 1980s, which was successor to the Canadian model 2000. The second was from the early or mid 2000s. Unlike the Ambassador and similar base models, they both had the automatic controls and luxury electronic features.

Post# 142667 , Reply# 12   7/10/2011 at 18:10 (4,961 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

There were two; the one above is the "Hi-Tech" from the 80's; the 2nd one was sometime in the 2000's, I believe, and was a much darker color. If you want to get really technical, the dark red "Special Edition" is also a model 2100, although it doesn't say so on the outside; only on the inside of the bag door.

This post was last edited 07/10/2011 at 18:41
Post# 142670 , Reply# 13   7/10/2011 at 18:20 (4,961 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        
Later Electrolux 2100

pr-21's profile picture

Here is the later Electrolux 2100. I already had the better floor brush.

Post# 142673 , Reply# 14   7/10/2011 at 18:46 (4,961 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        
"Cheapo" Floor Brush

I actually kind of like the "cheapo" dedicated floor brush. It seems to have good airflow right around the whole nozzle, and its lighter weight than the combo nozzle.

Post# 142677 , Reply# 15   7/10/2011 at 19:45 (4,961 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

I have both kinds of attachments.  In one place where I lived briefly everything was carpeted except for the kitchen and bathrooms.  At that time when I went to vacuum the kitchen I would detach the powernozzle and use the exclusive floor brush on the powernozzle wand.  Since then every house has not had any carpeting so the combination tool is ideal.  I can flip back and forth between area rugs and bare floors easily.  I don't have to contend with pet hair or tracked-in dirt, and some of my area rugs are more delicate, so I don't bother using a powernozzle at all.

Post# 142943 , Reply# 16   7/12/2011 at 12:35 (4,959 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
You are all correct with the dates. The 2100 (Jadestone) originally was out from 1985 to 1987 (First with the PN5 then with the PN6). The System 90 (Taupe) 1987-1989 was also a model 2100 as was the Special Edition 2100(Burgundy) 1987-1989.

Around 2000 Aeris again brought it out as a cheap model but in a darker colour.

If memory serves me correctly you could also buy a 2100 through one of the points clubs (I think it was Esso) around 1990.

Which ever way you look at it they re used that machine a number of times.


Post# 243313 , Reply# 17   8/1/2013 at 23:52 (4,208 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

Did any of the basic Luxes have headlight on PN & did all the basic models come with the "cheapo" floor brush?

Post# 243320 , Reply# 18   8/2/2013 at 02:36 (4,208 days old) by jeffrey_silva ()        
Re:Electrolux 2100

Visit the youtube link to get more info

Post# 281448 , Reply# 19   5/22/2014 at 13:57 (3,914 days old) by ronni (USA)        

From what I have gathered, the 2100s have, indeed, had several iterations in the U. S. Introduced in 1984, the Diamond Jubilee year, they were the original automatic all-plastic canisters and created a new bracket of middle of the line machines (the metal 1521s being the TOL models, and the L-E/1623s* and later Ambassador III, model 1676 and C101s, being the BOL models.

In 1994 the Renaissance succeeded the 1521s as the TOL model; the Epic Series, which had been introduced in 1992 with the 6000 SR/1718 and followed by the 6500 SRs/model 1726 and C102s, was the MOL model (except for the later Epic 8000 SR/C133A which succeeded the Renaissance/C104s); and the Ambassador IIIs/C101s remained the BOL models.

In 1999 the first Guardian made its debut as the TOL model (C134s, C154s, C170s, and C177s). A year or two later the new 2100s (C141—A-F) became the MOL followed by the Lux 5500; the Lux 7000—which began the model C153s that became the Legacy--came out a year later as another MOL option; and the Lux 5000 closed out the C101 models as the BOL--followed by the model C151s: Ultralux 2000, Lux 2000, and current Lux Classic.

LIST OF 2100s (Hi-Tech machines name and model designation were the same as in the earlier days of Electrolux USA). Years are approximate.


Hi-Tech, Model 2100: 1984-87 (sand/jade)
1987-1989 (beige/taupe)

Diplomat, Model 2100: 1989-92 (beige/navy)
**(The Diplomat LX was model 1677.)

2100, Models C141 A-F: 2001-2007 (fog/black)


Regency Series 2000, model 2100 (automatic): 1986-1988 (sand/light blue)
**(There were two other models in this series: the non-automatic 1000 and the middle 1500, model 1515.)

EXHIBITION LINE (Fairs, Malls, etc.):

Special Edition, model 2100 (automatic): 1988-90 (sand/burgundy)
**(There was one other non-automatic model, model 1623.)


I do not know of any 2100s being sold through this line. It seems a good many of these—if not all--were model 1623s.


COMPANION FLOOR SCRUBBERS/POLISHERS (1984-1992)--plastic bodied:

Model 2101 (sand/jade; beige/taupe; beige/navy--matching the Hi-Techs and Diplomat)

Model 2101A (Regency Series: sand/light blue and Special Edition: beige/burgundy)


COMMERCIAL CB2000s were the only machines in this line at the time--replacing the CBs around 1984. They were discontinued around 1992.


two-toned gray (to match Silverado/model 1505s and Deluxe Special/model 1453s of the same colors

sand/jade (to match the DJ/1521s, Deluxe Special/model 1453s, Hi-Tech/2100s, and L-E/1623s* of the same colors

beige/taupe (to match the Marquise/1521s, Deluxe Special/model 1453s, Hi-Tech 2100s, and L-E/1623s* of the same colors

beige/navy (to match the Grand Marquise/1521s, Legacy/1521s, Diplomat/2100s, and Ambassador III/1676s of the same colors

*Early L-Es had the same name and model designation as the earlier Electrolux canisters.


Others, feel free to add or correct.

Post# 281615 , Reply# 20   5/23/2014 at 22:24 (3,913 days old) by vacu-finder ()        

The plastic was really good on those Vacs. Best Vacuum built in my mind. They had all the bells and whistles you could really need, like the No-Bag indicator which prevented the machine from running and full bag lite, as well as a Dial on top. Their filtering concept worked well and better than most. The exhaust filter fit snuggly into its hole without leakage and the 3 ply bags were more than ample..
They were built in 1985 if I'm not mistaken and there are still many that are running full blast after 29 years.

Post# 282386 , Reply# 21   5/30/2014 at 18:24 (3,906 days old) by newoldcleaners (Leighton Buzzard)        

newoldcleaners's profile picture
Does anyone know the age of the Z2020 pls?

Post# 408714 , Reply# 22   4/26/2019 at 22:43 (2,114 days old) by Paul (USA)        

So I went to a thrift store today and purchased a mid-production Hi-Tech 2100 with an early PN6 power nozzle (with the light sand gray elbow & wand latch--later ones had the jade-colored ones) and pinstriping. The series is F_E, and it states "Made in Canada" on the bottom of the tank and on the inner bag door panel.

The cost? A whopping $7.50.

Ok, so while the suction is pretty strong, the light panel is fully functioning, the dial is intact and working well, the wheels are in good shape and turn, the cord winder wors pretty well, the bag door opens and closes as it's supposed to do, and there are no cracks in the body, here are its imperfections: yellowed Lexan, missing exhaust cover; dry motor bearings, braided hose with some slight kinking (blue & white, so not original to the cleaner) cracked wand sheath; and it didn't come with any of the manual accessories.

Still, I'm glad to have a representation of the first Lexan-bodied Electrolux tank sold in the U.S. and look forward to getting back in ship-shape.

Btw, I noticed several changes during the run of the light sand gray & jade (Hi-Tech) 2100s including:

1) The early- & mid-production ones (1985-86) had a jade-colored panel on the inside of the bag compartment door stating "Hi-Tech 2100" and only English specs; the mid- to late- ones (1986-87) had a light sand gray bag door panel with "Model 2100" and containing specs in both English & French.
2) The earlier ones had pin-striped bumpers and rear wheels; the later ones were plain.
3) The early ones were paired with the light sand gray-hooded PN5, the early mid-production units were paired with the PN6; and the mid- to late- ones were paired with the 7B with the light sand gray hood bearing the grid label.
6) Kloveland (Kenny) pointed out in another thread that the earliest ones were not equipped with the small combo tool clip.

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