Thread Number: 13385
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Post# 142463   7/9/2011 at 09:21 (4,845 days old) by sanimatic ()        

Wasn't sure whether to put this in the Vintage or Contemporary section, but it is getting old enough to be vintage at this point. Anyhow after looking for a good condition Decade 800 for quite a while, I found this and I could not pass it up. It is in amazing condition. Performs and sounds just like I remember my Mother's Decade 800. Very few scratches or nicks on it.

Post# 142478 , Reply# 1   7/9/2011 at 10:47 (4,845 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Goodness, it looks virtually brand new.  That would be very hard to pass up!

Post# 142479 , Reply# 2   7/9/2011 at 11:17 (4,845 days old) by hydralique (Los Angeles)        
A handsome machine!

I really like the traditional Hoover lines modernized a bit, and the bag color is good too. What year was it made in?

Post# 142482 , Reply# 3   7/9/2011 at 11:40 (4,845 days old) by sanimatic ()        

I always thought that the Decade line was a great tribute to the original Convertibles(65 and such), more so than even the later Convertibles were. I'm not exactly sure what year this is from, but I am told by a friend that knows these well that this is the second model that they made.

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