Thread Number: 13379
Todays Finds : A Hoover 63 and a Royal Handvac
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Post# 142392   7/8/2011 at 18:13 (4,905 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

An estate sale today yielded the following:
A 63 in nice shape (just needs to be cleaned up a bit) besides some electrical tape on the cord (have not investigated the extent of what lies beneath) with attachment set, and a Royal hand type vac. Best ol all both were mine for 5 bucks. There also was a very old Hoover hand vac and an electrolux looking General Electric canister that was all silver. I passed on these both due to the fact the hoses were shot and the GE was $25 bucks.

Post# 142393 , Reply# 1   7/8/2011 at 18:13 (4,905 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

The Royal... Some additional info on this would be greatly appriciated!

Post# 142395 , Reply# 2   7/8/2011 at 18:31 (4,905 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Wow! Hoover looks like it will clean up well! It's amazing what you can find these days.

Have a royal just like that too. I love it!

Post# 142396 , Reply# 3   7/8/2011 at 19:02 (4,905 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Your Royal is a model 501 from the late 1950s-early 1960s. By the mid-late 1960s they changed the colors on the bag to gray and dark blue, and that lasted up to the early 1970s when they changed to a light blue color.


Post# 142397 , Reply# 4   7/8/2011 at 19:04 (4,905 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Thanks for the info Ben!

Post# 142403 , Reply# 5   7/8/2011 at 19:14 (4,905 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
Nice finds!

A Hoover 63 with cleaning tools; very cool!  Oh how I wish I had hung on to the one I had back in high school.  Those Royal hand vacs are mighty nice and seem to last forever.  My parents had one for about 40 years before passing it on to someone else.  I have a couple myself but a little newer than the one you found. 

Post# 142411 , Reply# 6   7/8/2011 at 20:01 (4,905 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

I have that same exact Royal, I got it at Goodwill for $7.99. Excellent finds, and I'm sure you'll have that Royal for the rest of your life! They are impossible to kill even when lent to the most ignorant people ;). (I.e.) my 11 year old brother ,

Post# 142414 , Reply# 7   7/8/2011 at 20:05 (4,905 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Very nice find! The 63 is such a wonderful cleaner, and a beautiful machine to boot. Let me know if you have any questions about restoring/servicing it.


Post# 142445 , Reply# 8   7/8/2011 at 23:38 (4,905 days old) by akabent (LEFT Coast)        
The 63 series was Hoover at its finest!!

At least that's my opinion. They are such awesome machines (all 5 of them) and yours appears to be very, very well taken care of. The bag and cord speak volumes (at least to me. At least I don't hear 'voices!' LOL)
Rick B

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