Thread Number: 13353
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Post# 142149   7/6/2011 at 09:59 (4,769 days old) by SneakyWet ()        

Hi, Guys and Gals!

First of all, WOW! I'm so exited to find a forum solely dedicated to Vacuum cleaners! It's been a dream of mine, for some time now, to take the leap and buy my first collectable. I've been harbouring a collection of brushes and pans, which I've obtained over the last few years, but now feel like I need something a bit more challenging. And the logical step forward seems to be vacuums!

I've been speaking with my friends about this new found compulsion and they think I'm flipping barmy, so it will be nice to knock heads with a few members!

Ok, I'll stop rambling and ask the first of, what will no doubt be an abundance of daft questions. Please be nice! :)

1) What was your first vacuum, and what would you recommend as a first machine, knowing what you now know. I'm guessing older ones will be much cheaper, right?

2) Are their any club meets? It would be fantastic to talk all things vacuum and share stories and look at our vacuums.

3) Do you guys ever use your collectables? Do you just take them for a quick 'spin' round the living room every now and then, when no ones looking, to keep them running? (Just that I don't think I could have such a beautiful piece of engineering lying around and not use it!

Sorry for the intensity of my first post, but the void, or vacuum that has been in my life has been filled with this new found passion.

Cheers in advanced!

Andrew Hugh-John

Post# 142150 , Reply# 1   7/6/2011 at 10:20 (4,769 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Well welcome to the club!

My first vacuum all together was a commercial hoover convertible 344 that my grandpa gave me when I was a very little boy about 13 or so years ago.

As far as collecting really. My first cleaner was a Kirby heritage II I got for Christmas a few years ago.

This club hostes an annual convention. This year it's in September in Minneapolis Minnesota. You do have to join the club to attend though.

As far as using my vintage machines. All the time! I even take my early 30s and 20s hoover uprights every now and then.
For daily cleaning I do use my sanitaire And electrolux oxygen the most. But I'll often go over that with a vintage machine.

Post# 142151 , Reply# 2   7/6/2011 at 10:26 (4,769 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
Welcome! I'll try to answers you questions for you. We do have meets, but I've never been so I'll leave that to the others.

1. The first vacuum I remember seeing was my parent's Hoover Elite and my grandparent's Eureka. My first vacuum I collected was given to me as a gift as my 5th birthday present. It was a Eureka Bravo II.

3. Yes! I use collectable cleaners all the time! I do have some vacuums I only own for collecting reasons, but most vacuums go in and out of service. Each vacuum I own was used for a least one cleaning 'cycle', which is normally until I run out of bags. Every vacuum I own expect one was bought for my collection. That one exception is my 1996 Miracle Mate which I bought to clean the house and such.

My current daily cleaners are my newly found Kirby Tradition, which is fantastic by the way, and the Miracle Mate. Although the forum says vintage is pre-1980, I think the Miracle Mate is vintage; 90s vacs are part of a different era then what we have now.

Post# 142152 , Reply# 3   7/6/2011 at 10:36 (4,769 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Welcome, Andrew!  Being "flipping barmy" is something just about all of us have been accused of at some point.  Just so you know, there are a few members here who ARE flipping barmy, but we love them anyway!


There are a lot of different approaches to collecting vacuums among the members here.  Some focus on a particular manufacturer, some focus on modern machines, others on vintage/antique vacuums, and some are just omnivorous;  if it's a vacuum cleaner and the price is right they'll take it!   I will sometimes pick up a vacuum just for the enjoyment of cleaning it up and putting it back in service, perhaps eventually giving it to someone who needs one or trading it for something else.  My serious collection consists of vacuums like the ones which first caught my attention and fueled my passion for them back when I was very young.   


Quite a number of people here enjoy, and have considerable experience/talent at repairing and restoring their machines.  There are undoubtedly some rare machines in peoples' collections which are kept purely in "museum state" but I think most of us will take our vintage machines for a spin around the room just for the sheer pleasure of it.  We have other vacuums, sometimes quite a few which are the "daily drivers" for actually cleaning house.


The VCCC holds an annual convention each year.  You've now doubt seen the ad for this year's convention on the cover page of the website.  Besides that, many times a small group of members will organize their own little meet.   Many times the online friendships which start here turn into real-time friendships.


Enjoy your newfound passion and welcome to Vacuumland!



Post# 142154 , Reply# 4   7/6/2011 at 12:13 (4,769 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

For me I'm strictly into Kirby vacuums. Since childhood I've had a fasination with them- their loud powerful sound, scarey looking headlight, and cool design with all that aluminum and colorful bags!

I have owned a Kirby Tradition, I would consider my first vacuum, a long time. It was my dad's and ended up in a toolshed for 15years. I'm in the process of buying parts to restore it. But in the past while I have got several Kirbys to my collection- Classic Omega (early 70s), Heritage 84 (1984 lol), Heritage II (late 80s), Kirby G3 (early 90s) and the G5 is my newest vacuum which is the one I actually USE. The Omega does not take paper bags (shake out cloth bag), so it's a little dusty and I don't like to use it. In the process of putting paper bag setups and repairing the other ones which I will then use when I feel like it! :)

So my suggestion would be to buy a Kirby vacuum, they are build out of metal, fun and easy to work on, and make great show pieces IMO. But if you think a Hoover or Rainbow or Dyson is more appealing, then by all means go for what you like!

I don't think anybody understands my Kirby collection, I don't really tell everyone either cause I don't understand it myself! My wife is good though and says I can keep 5 vacs (I consider that an "approximate" number) ;)

Post# 142161 , Reply# 5   7/6/2011 at 14:10 (4,769 days old) by luxg ()        

Welcome Andrew,

If you are interested in joining the VCCC you will find a link on the homepage here.  Dues are $35.00 a year which will bring you 4 really great newsletters each year.  Our convention this year is in Minneapolis and there is a link for that on the homepage as well. If you have any other ??? just let me know.  Attending the convention would be a great way for you to meet many members and to see some fantastic machines.  I am the membership coordinator for the club and will be happy to help in any way I can.  



Post# 142162 , Reply# 6   7/6/2011 at 14:32 (4,769 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Hope you have fun!

Post# 142175 , Reply# 7   7/6/2011 at 17:10 (4,769 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Welcome to the Club!

My 1st vacs were:
1. 1970s Electrolux 1205* (my parents' vac)
2. 1983 Regina ElectrikBroom (strictly mine)
3. Hoover Convertible 33
4. 1985 TriStar CXL 2-speed*

I use the Lux or TriStar but I don't have any modern vacs, other than a Hoover Steam Vac & FloorMate.

Vintage vacs OUTPERFORM most of today's vacs 10:1

Post# 142187 , Reply# 8   7/6/2011 at 17:57 (4,769 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

As for first vacuum, there are many different options. I guess whatever really catches your eye! For me its any good Kirby or an art-deco 1930's Hoover.


Post# 142208 , Reply# 9   7/6/2011 at 21:31 (4,768 days old) by Real1 ()        

welcome Andrew! I have a son by that name.;-) I guess it depends; "first vac". Are you asking about our first vacuum once on our own, or what we remember as boys (girls too!)?

My first purchased vacuum was for my very first apt in college which had carpets. It was and upright Hoover with no light, but all pink! Bought probably around '73. I had that forever and even when I was first married...loved to go through it and fix/replace things. I had just gone through it when the LUX sales lady came calling ('84). Part of her sales pitch was to take our old vacuum(s). For some reason the G got to stay, but the Hoover went to a death camp somewhere (I'm guessing). I miss that pink Hoover.:-(

People here for the most part, are very passionate about brand/model loyalty. But some members crossover into many brands. I'm passionate about LUX's, but didn't grow up with them. I grew up with Hoover and Rexair.


Post# 142218 , Reply# 10   7/6/2011 at 22:45 (4,768 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Don't most of us collectors get bit by a bug early and by one machine that is just magic? My aunt's early Kirby, first upright experience was just that. It made big noise, bag blew up and came apart. My favorite toy when we did weekly visits. I think Thursday evenings, I remember the Monkeys was on, on their huge, what 23" Sears color console. She and my uncle were 20 years older than my parents, like a second set of grands, loved them both dearly. I still get to visit the house, a friend bought it 5 years ago, she has 2 of my vacs!

Post# 142229 , Reply# 11   7/7/2011 at 00:48 (4,768 days old) by super-sweeper (KSSRC Refurbishment Center)        
welcome andrew!

super-sweeper's profile picture
i welcome you our club,and hope you have a great time here!
my first vacuum encounter was a fantom thunder,LOVED IT!
remember pushing it around as a tot.
next my grandma's fantom fury and here kirby classic 3.

Post# 142237 , Reply# 12   7/7/2011 at 05:11 (4,768 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hi Andrew:

Welcome. My recommendation for a first machine would be something that has meaning to you. Be it a machine that you remember your mom or gran having or even just one that fascinated you in your childhood. In that way there is more attached to it than just "being your first machine". Of course you never know, you may also come across something that catches your eye just because of its design. Either way, make it something special.


Post# 142246 , Reply# 13   7/7/2011 at 08:46 (4,768 days old) by Real1 ()        
You might....

decide (for now), if you want a canister model or upright model. That could guide you on what you want to collect. Not all the vacuums we admired as kids were all that great. I used to admire those non-electric, friction push vacuums. I doubt I'd ever have one now unless I had a cabin somewhere.;-)


Post# 142259 , Reply# 14   7/7/2011 at 14:10 (4,768 days old) by SneakyWet ()        

So much Information to take in! You guys really are crazy about your vacuums, aren't you? It's chuffing marvellous!

I remember, as a kid, pushing one of those 'Friction Driven' vacs around, at my late Grand mamma’s. I was getting completely carried away and racing it around, like a Formula one driver. I smashed straight into a birdcage, which was on a stand, knocking it over and the bird escaping. (I think it was a rare bird, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was, but I didn't like the thing) It flapped around the dining room, defecating on everything, including me and escaped out of an open window. I blamed it on my Grand mama’s dog, NigNog, (I'm not sure you could get away with that name anymore!) who my Grandpapa then chased round the house, beating him with a broom shouting "Bloody NigNog, We should send you back from where we got you, bloody NigNog!"

It's something I haven't thought about for years, but just came to me! Happy, funny memories. I guess that brandished vacuums into my brain at an early age.

I think I quite like the idea of collecting one brand, so am going to spend the next few days/weekend looking at different manafacturers.

Also, I didn't realize this was an American site! I think making it to the convention may be a bit out of my way, since I live in sunny England! Cheers again for all the advice, so far!

Andrew Hugh-John

Post# 142261 , Reply# 15   7/7/2011 at 15:00 (4,768 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Hey! There are a whole fleet of collectors on here from the uk.

Post# 142296 , Reply# 16   7/8/2011 at 00:22 (4,767 days old) by Real1 ()        

from Canada!

Post# 142303 , Reply# 17   7/8/2011 at 00:29 (4,767 days old) by Real1 ()        

you're looking for one brand; LUX, LUX AND LUX!!!! Just kidding....lots of great old vacuum brands out there. Some folks even prefer the really old stuff; 30-40's. Except for the really rare stuff, the prices are agreeable at present. And there's always the possibility of finding something interesting in a thrift store for dirt cheap.;-)

The prices seem to be picking up on ebay, but there are tons of other sources still out there. Lot's of the *old-time* vacuum cleaner shop owners are retiring and selling their inventories.


Post# 142310 , Reply# 18   7/8/2011 at 02:39 (4,767 days old) by swiveltop (Galveston, TX)        
What a Crock

If You Reread The Post And Read between the Lines you Can Tell This Person Is Just Mocking Our Hobby and Vacuumland, A Collection Of Brushes And Pans, Paleeeze, and a dog with that name, This Guy Is Pulling Your Leg. Oh Fred , What Do You Think?

Post# 142330 , Reply# 19   7/8/2011 at 09:38 (4,767 days old) by Real1 ()        

Really...although a bit of an unusual intro, I didn't get that. I hope you're wrong.:-(


Post# 142373 , Reply# 20   7/8/2011 at 12:26 (4,767 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        
Hey Mark-

While I always have my eye on new members, I am willing to give everyone a chance, and don't jump to any conclusions. Thanks for your interpretation/opinion of his post.

Andrew/SneakyWet: Your location of "omnipresent" is not an acceptable location to use in that field. Please correct it. Also, please add your name to your profile. That's one of the requirements that you agreed to when you signed up for the forum.

Thanks and welcome to VacuumLand. Please let me know if there's anything I can be of assistance with.


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