Thread Number: 13338
Compressed Air Vacuum
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Post# 141997   7/4/2011 at 18:48 (4,967 days old) by lux1521 ()        

Has anyone seen a vacuum like this before? It looks like it works from a compressed air supply in a garage / workshop. A very interesting design. I thought about bidding on it, but I don't have a compressed air supply at home, and I'd prefer to buy something I could use right away.

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Post# 141998 , Reply# 1   7/4/2011 at 18:50 (4,967 days old) by lux1521 ()        

It looks like the same mode of operation is used in these industrial systems. Take a look at the performance specs. Over 200in water lift on some models!


Post# 141999 , Reply# 2   7/4/2011 at 19:20 (4,967 days old) by constellation86 (Roy, UT)        

I think it might be a spark plug cleaner.
By the way did you see how much air those pnumatic vacuums use? Some of them take a 25 horsepower compressor! They are only practical in areas where motors wouldn't be allowed like an explosive area.

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Post# 142002 , Reply# 3   7/4/2011 at 19:36 (4,967 days old) by kenkart ()        
My Mechanic...

Uses one at his garage, it works pretty good!

Post# 142003 , Reply# 4   7/4/2011 at 19:36 (4,967 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

Wow, the power needed for those compressed air vacuums in the link would need an air compressor MANY times more powerful than your regular home/shop compressor! Comparing 40 or 50+scfm to 4 or 5 that is a huge difference. Does not seem like an efficient way to go.

Post# 142007 , Reply# 5   7/4/2011 at 20:22 (4,967 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

That's easy physics, you can try it for yourselves, all you need is a large plastic rubbish bag, a length of pipe (could be a vacuum cleaner hose if you wish), and your lungs.

First, put the bag onto the pipe and hold it in place with your hands, take a deep breath, press your mouth up against the pipe to seal it, and blow, note how little it inflates...

Second, repeat the same procedure, only hold the pipe a couple of inches from your mouth, and note how much more it inflates... :)

Air is drawn in as you blow down the unsealed pipe, thus you have more airflow which adds to your lung's capacity, increasing how much air will fill up the bag...

That's the basic principle as to how these air-powered vacuum cleaners work, the small amount of compressed air draws in more air which is pulled through the hose and into the bag (or in the drum in those industrial models), and the bag (or filter) traps the dirt as per normal motorised vacuum cleaners... :)

Simple, effective engineering, you can't beat it... :P

Post# 142031 , Reply# 6   7/5/2011 at 03:57 (4,967 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Those compressed air vacs do have some impressive suction figures-keep body parts away!Yes,I knew of one wet-dry system that needs a 50Hp compressor to run it-but you can also run it with a 3 Hp electric vacuum motor.tornado Industries.I have the electric machine-doesn't give the high suction intake figures-but moves the same CFM.These systems are used for explosive-flammable places-and hazardous wate pickup.the compressor can be located away from the vacuum cleaner work area.

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