Thread Number: 13296
Trouble turning on my Electrolux 1521 Marquis
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Post# 141587   6/30/2011 at 18:07 (4,913 days old) by marc (Wakefield UK)        

I am having trouble turning on my Electrolux 1521. I believe it is a Marquis model, it is brown and tan. We have tried several bags and this has been on going for a few weeks now. The only way to get it to start is to push the power on button and then open the bag door and slam it shut.

Is there a suction check or something that might need cleaning?

I would appreciate any help??


Post# 141594 , Reply# 1   6/30/2011 at 19:41 (4,913 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

It sounds like it's time to give your automatic shut off system a good going over.  If any of the tubes get plugged with dust the vacuum can think the bag needs changing and it won't turn on or will immediately shut off.  Does the full bag light come on?   Someone posted a step by step overview of the system with pics.  Here's a link:


There are a few other threads discussing the automatic system that will turn up with a search.  Once you open up the lid (unscrew from the inside) and get a look at it all, respond to this thread with another question if you need more help.

Post# 141595 , Reply# 2   6/30/2011 at 19:49 (4,913 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        
trouble turning on my Electrolux 1521

Try wearing some sexy clothes......

Sorry, couldn't pass up a straight line like that.

It sounds to me like the switch inside the front cover is either sticking, or the contacts have become misaligned or burned. This is the switch that contacts the bag when present, and won't allow the machine to operate when there is no bag in it.
You may be able to clean it, or perhaps change out the switch.
That's the only thing that comes to my mind considering the symptoms you describe.

Hope this helps,

Post# 141597 , Reply# 3   6/30/2011 at 19:56 (4,913 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Of course, as soon as I start typing an answer, crevicetool jumps in and posts HIS answer.  Yes, duh, the switch in the lid is suspect.

Post# 141598 , Reply# 4   6/30/2011 at 19:56 (4,913 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
That was pretty good!

Post# 141610 , Reply# 5   6/30/2011 at 21:34 (4,913 days old) by marc (Wakefield UK)        

I had that one coming!! LOL.

Thanks for the information. I will take it apart tomorrow and clean it. It's been a great vacuum and never had any problems until now.

thanks all.

Post# 141676 , Reply# 6   7/1/2011 at 10:51 (4,912 days old) by marc (Wakefield UK)        

Well, I took the front cover all apart and it really was pretty clean. Everything seems to be functioning normal, but I still could not turn on the vacuum until I slam the front door really hard and then it takes off. Now after I get it to run by slamming the door, it's good for the rest of the day. I can turn it off and back on again all day long. If it sits for a few days, I have the problem back. Sounds like a pressure problem to me???? Or a flaky contact???

Can this be caused by the wrong bags? I have several different bags that are after market but we've been using these for years and never had this problem.

The bottom of the canister is spotless. Never had a broken bag and there is no dirt or dust in the bottom.

By the way, can the manual for this vacuum be found on line? If so where?


Post# 141680 , Reply# 7   7/1/2011 at 11:32 (4,912 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

As far as the bags, of course the company will tell you to use the genuine ones, but I've never had a problem with the better quality generic ones.  When you had the thing apart, did you look at the spring-loaded switch on the lid?  If the vac doesn't turn on, open the lid, turn on the power and then depress the switch.  It should power on as soon as it's depressed.  If you have to jiggle the button or depress it really hard  or repeatedly then that's where the problem lies.   By slamming the lid hard it connects but after awhile it loses contact.   Also check the little rubber funnel-shaped air tube on the upper rim of the bag compartment.  That needs to line up with and seal against the corresponding hole in the lid face to complete the automatic shutoff "air circuit." 

Post# 141687 , Reply# 8   7/1/2011 at 12:24 (4,912 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Well put, what I was thinking, only written better!

Post# 141699 , Reply# 9   7/1/2011 at 15:06 (4,912 days old) by marc (Wakefield UK)        

Well, I have learned a lot about this vacuum. The problem was not up front at all. The problem is that the contacts in the housing for the cord recoil were very dirty, and there is a small crack in the center of the cover where the contacts are mounted. I bent the contacts to give them a bit more pressure and cleaned them up well. right now, it is working perfectly, but I suspect I will eventually have to replace the cover and contacts. Is this a common problem?

thanks for all your help. I would not have known where to start with out your advice.

I have 4 other Electrolux in my attic that I bought at yard sales. Maybe one of them will have the same part????


Post# 141701 , Reply# 10   7/1/2011 at 16:01 (4,912 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Problem solved, that's great.   The model 1521 ran for a number of years with only  name/color changes so they show up in sales frequently, and replacement parts are pretty easy to find.   Glad we could be helpful!



Post# 141702 , Reply# 11   7/1/2011 at 16:06 (4,912 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Had never thought of that end! Have checked mine a couple times, found the suction tube there interesting. Has to be help cooling the unit? Gotta be.

Post# 141784 , Reply# 12   7/2/2011 at 11:37 (4,911 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




"I am having trouble turning on my Electrolux 1521."



Did you try blowing softly in his ear? hahaha!

Post# 141786 , Reply# 13   7/2/2011 at 13:03 (4,911 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
NICE! Charles, you sly boy.

Post# 141787 , Reply# 14   7/2/2011 at 13:04 (4,911 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
I will admit to having hugged and stroked my Silverad. Perhaps the chrome does remind me of detailing the car.

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