Thread Number: 13292
Electrolux model G
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Post# 141537   6/30/2011 at 08:27 (4,908 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        

Well, here is another Model G. Looking at the achives it seems this is a good machine and it certainly has nice styling. I was looking for that missing part at the thrift store for the GE and this was there. It came with a good condition hose. I plan on popping in on that store again, and am wondering about the attachments.

Wondering if the large attacment has the beater bar run by suction, or not, I couldn't gather that by looking at pictures. I saw the nozzel with the bristles and I suppose there are the typical ones too.

This one had a service tag from 1989, and runs well. It had a brand new bag in it. It had a very slight electrical smell at the beginning so I am not sure if it needs oiling or not or it has just been sitting for years and years. Looks like this was made 1960 - 63 from what I've read...

Post# 141543 , Reply# 1   6/30/2011 at 09:26 (4,908 days old) by Real1 ()        

Wheels, everything looks original. Lot of info about the machine around here-my favorite. I'd sure like that bumper on my cord end; will protect the colored machine grommet from wear. Usually, the original hose had an external wire that ran the the PN 1. You can buy a more modern hose that just has the wire plug-in visible at the machine and then at the top of the hose for the PN.

Unless this is a 'collection' piece', do yourself a favor and buy a more modern hose. Metal wands, floor attachment and upholstery tool are next. If you're smelling anything electrical, I would rebuild the motor. I'd go through it anyway if it were mine due to age and dubious history. When vacuums get this old, people could care less what they run through it.


Post# 141544 , Reply# 2   6/30/2011 at 09:31 (4,908 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

You have what many would say is Electrolux's finest!  Yours looks to be in terrific condition.  The G's are stunning visually and run so quietly almost all you hear is the air rushing through the nozzle.  To answer your question about the powernozzle, Electrolux introduced their motorized powernozzle with their previous model, the Automatic F, and the G came with the same PN1 but with the new color scheme.  They're very hard to find though, because the entire wand was plastic and prone to breaking.  A later version of the PN1 with a metal wand would still look fine and be more durable.  There have been lots of posts with pictures recently about the model G and the PN1.   Do a little searching for "Electrolux G" or "PN1" and you'll come up with a treasure trove of info about you new acquisition.  Giving the motor a thorough going-over would be a good idea, especially if you're detecting an "electrical smell." 


BTW, I like your dinette set too!



Post# 141611 , Reply# 3   6/30/2011 at 21:53 (4,908 days old) by Real1 ()        

I'm extremely jealous of that tear-drop shaped, cord bumper that protects the turquoise machine grommet! I've not actually seen these in the old catalogs of new I'm wondering if it was a dealer add-on?? It looks molded and would either slide on or was permanently attached to a newer cord.

That machine grommet receives a lot of wear in using the G as a daily nice to have that part/cord. If I can't find one, I'm going to drill out and shape a rubber cork to do the same thing.


Post# 141613 , Reply# 4   6/30/2011 at 22:30 (4,908 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Charles Lester will know for sure, but i think all of the early model G's have the little rubber protector for the grommet and the belden type plug. Every early model G ive ever seen that has the PN plug directly beneath the hose inlet, has the rubber cord protector too.

Post# 141614 , Reply# 5   6/30/2011 at 22:35 (4,908 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Always thought these guys looked so elegantly designed! Clean, little jet age, modern.

Post# 141615 , Reply# 6   6/30/2011 at 22:38 (4,908 days old) by bill57 (Cleveland, Ohio)        
Model G

Want to sell that "G"?

Post# 141616 , Reply# 7   6/30/2011 at 22:42 (4,908 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
Some Model Gs also had a power nozzle port on the side of the machine, on the right side I believe. I believe that was what the first ones featured, and then it was later moved to the front.


Post# 141617 , Reply# 8   6/30/2011 at 22:44 (4,908 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Yes, the bumper behind the plug was standard and was supposed to prevent the plug from being snapped off when the cord was being sucked into the winder.  

Post# 141618 , Reply# 9   6/30/2011 at 22:55 (4,908 days old) by Real1 ()        

Never seen the bumper before....I'm pretty sure the two G's I have are the original cord and molded ends. They are identical and two more that I was offered are exactly the same-no cord bumper; molded plugs. And all of the G's that I've seen have the PN socket just forward of the right front tire. So....there are differences for sure and I'm wondering now about geographical US differences.


Post# 141627 , Reply# 10   7/1/2011 at 00:12 (4,908 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

The first version of the G had the "bumper" on the cord and the outlet for the powernozzle cord was located on the front below the automatic adjustment knob.   Later versions had a different type of cord with molded plug and no "bumper" and the powernozzle outlet was moved to the side, ahead of the wheel.   Electrolux kept tweeking their designs and made lots of small changes within the run of each model. 

Post# 141630 , Reply# 11   7/1/2011 at 00:50 (4,908 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Chase, i think its the other way around, like Henry says. The early turqoise models had the PN port directly below the hose inlet, and the rubber stopper plug on the cord. The LATER models had the PN port to the right, infront of the right hand front wheel, and had no rubber stopper plug on the cord.
At least thats what ive seen to be true on every model G ive ever seen.
We know that the bronze model G is a later model, and ive never seen a bronze model G with a PN port directly below the hose, or with a rubber stopper on the power cord.

Post# 141631 , Reply# 12   7/1/2011 at 00:51 (4,908 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Oh well, dosent really matter,,the Model G is an awsome cleaning machine no matter how it is! Definatly Electrolux at its best!

Post# 141639 , Reply# 13   7/1/2011 at 03:30 (4,908 days old) by mercuryman ()        
Re: The Electrical Smell

I know exactly the smell you are talking about, Brian. (BTW, my name is Brian also). It's not so much an electrical smell as it is an odor that emanates from a machine that hasn't been run very much for many years.

My Model G gave off an "electrical" sort of smell when I first got it...but after a few hours of use on a day I did some thorough cleaning about my apartment, the smell went away...and hasn't come back since.

Post# 141657 , Reply# 14   7/1/2011 at 08:41 (4,907 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        

Hey, thanks for the info, just some observations on this one -- the power Nozzle outlet is under the hose on this one, and there is a little flange on the cord for that rubber protector so the two definitely go together.

Say, I don't see a visable serial number on this, I mean, is see the plate with the model number etc., under the machine but sometimes there is a number to say which one of the many made this one is, I suppose it is inside.

I also notice the "automatic control" knob with the "retard" "advance" setting so I haven't played around with that but I alway wonder why one wouldn't operate a vacuum on full power, or what is that for.

I will watch for any problems but this one doesn't look too easy to get to the motor. It is quiet so I am hopeful I don't have to mess with it too much.

Post# 141660 , Reply# 15   7/1/2011 at 09:04 (4,907 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
automatic control

The automatic control is a sophisticated full-bag alert system.  It works by responding to the difference in air pressure between the hose inlet and the fan.  We all know as a bag fills suction is slowly reduced.  With this system, when the bag is full, or at least plugged with fine dust so that suction is reduced it "automatically" shuts off the motor and pops open the lid and says "give me a new bag!"  Well, it doesn't actually talk but you get the idea.  


The advance/retard dial does just that, it allows you to adjust the system according so that it doesn't shut off when the bag isn't full yet, or wait until the bag is too full.  It depends upon the typical kind of dirt in your house.  Fine dust will plug the bag faster than course sand, hair etc.  Start out by setting the dial at 3 and vacuum until the system does its thing.  If the bag is stuffed too full, turn the dial to a lower number.  If the bag is virtually empty move the dial to a higher number.  After a couple bag changes you'll arrive at the right setting for the kind of dirt in your house.



Post# 141664 , Reply# 16   7/1/2011 at 09:19 (4,907 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
one more thing...

I should add that after years and years the little tubes in the automatic system can get plugged and cause the system to not work.  It's a simple matter to open up the lid, carefully remove the little plastic tubes and clean them out.


Ok, another thing....Electrolux introduced the automatic system on the model LX in the early 50's.  On that model there was an additional spring-loaded feature which, when the full bag was reached, it actually ejected the bag right out of the cleaner.  My mother's cousin had that model and I was about 3 years old when I saw the ejection feature in action.  It was more fun than an amusement park ride and I remember pleading "Do it again!"

Post# 141706 , Reply# 17   7/1/2011 at 16:54 (4,907 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Electrolux LX

Had a "Basement & Attic Key" to delay its "auto eject" system when the bag isn't full or clogged with fine dust.

Post# 141744 , Reply# 18   7/2/2011 at 00:48 (4,907 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
LX attic key

Yep!  And my early LX still has its key tucked in its little slot.   The later LX was later redesigned with an advance/retard dial located underneath.

Post# 141752 , Reply# 19   7/2/2011 at 01:50 (4,907 days old) by Real1 ()        

"Oh well, dosent really matter,,the Model G is an awsome cleaning machine no matter how it is! Definatly Electrolux at its best!"

Well it does really matter when one is trying to get a perspective on model runs and the differences. Especially since I was told the turquoise Jetson G's are the early models and the bronze models are the later ones.

But as I said, all four turquoise G's (two I own and the others were offered to me) are identical; PN port on the right just ahead of the front wheel and no bumper on molded power cords.


Post# 141756 , Reply# 20   7/2/2011 at 02:59 (4,907 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        



The turquoise Gs =are= the earlier models.

Post# 141762 , Reply# 21   7/2/2011 at 07:08 (4,906 days old) by kenkart ()        
Model G differences.

From 1960 thru 1962, The Turquois G had a Belden plug with the bumper, the power nozzle outlet was under the hose, also the power nozzle on the first Gs had a long cord with plastic snap clips , when you attached the power nozzle you had to attach the cord to the hose all the way to the machine,they changed this fairly early on, to the more familiar short cord at the wand end and the outlet attached to the hose by a snap clip, the first of this style still used the plastic clips to attach the cord to the hose, this was changed about 1962 to the more common rubber straps. Also, the power nozzle before 1962, has no clean out port on the bottom, as well as no re set button.After 1962 Electrolux began making there own cords, they also moved the wheels back slightly and put the outlet for the PN on the side...About the only difference in a tan G and a Turquois G is that the tan G while using the same 535 watts, is much more powerful, the motor was redesigned and there really is a big difference.

Post# 141768 , Reply# 22   7/2/2011 at 07:55 (4,906 days old) by vac-o-matic (Saint Louis, Mo.)        
Thanks Hans!

I'm glad you cleared that up for inquiring minds! I never new the motor in the tan G was tweaked and more powerful. Now, I have to find my suction meter and test my machines. Does this also mean the tan L would have the tweaked motor?

Post# 141858 , Reply# 23   7/3/2011 at 10:05 (4,905 days old) by Real1 ()        

given all that, how long was the turquoise G made before they switched to tan? I guess I've always seen the turquoise models after '62. All the PN's I have, have the cleanout and the circuit breaker.


Post# 141859 , Reply# 24   7/3/2011 at 10:15 (4,905 days old) by Real1 ()        

comment on the 535 watt motor. I actually transferred my 'race horse' G motor to the canister in the best condition. Knowing the original owner (now deceased), it's very possible he put a newer tan G motor in there. I can't find any reason (so far) that my other G motor is less powerful. This would explain a lot, but I still need to go completely through the less powerful motor.

Is there a way to tell if you have the more powerful tan G motor....different brush holders, numbers etc?


Post# 400826 , Reply# 25   11/14/2018 at 18:05 (2,214 days old) by ellen (austin, tx)        
For Sale - Electrolux Model G

I have my mom's Electrolux Model G and I'd like to find a new, loving home for it. It is in working order and has new'ish hoses. All the attachments are original. I am in Austin, TX, so prefer someone nearby if possible, unless you want to pay the shipping. Asking $100, but make me an offer.

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Post# 400830 , Reply# 26   11/14/2018 at 20:22 (2,214 days old) by crazykirbydude (Lexington, KY)        

crazykirbydude's profile picture
Really? the plastic wand Model G power nozzles are hard to find? My Aerus dealer is covered floor to ceiling with PN-1s in great shape! If anybody wants one, Imay be able to snag one for you...

Post# 400834 , Reply# 27   11/14/2018 at 22:10 (2,214 days old) by kenkart ()        
Belden cord and bumper

1962 was the last year, some time in 62 Electrolux began building their own cords.

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