Thread Number: 13274
N.O.S. Royal Model 880 Unused in the Original Box
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Post# 141321   6/28/2011 at 19:06 (4,973 days old) by Stan_Trekell ()        

Recent Kansas barn find: New, old stock Royal Model 880, knocked down in the original box with user information. Includes all original packaging, new bag in place, mint condition. Serial number 880-R42972. 350 watt motor, runs as it should. The original belt will need to be replaced due to age. Otherwise, plug in and play! Additional photos upon request via email to Be sure to click on my profile photo for a larger view of this one-of-a-kind new in the box 880.

Post# 141323 , Reply# 1   6/28/2011 at 19:15 (4,973 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Somebody will be very LUCKY!

Post# 141408 , Reply# 2   6/29/2011 at 04:47 (4,973 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        
Im sure..

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi, I'm sure they will. If it goes on u know where who knows what price it will go for....


Post# 141423 , Reply# 3   6/29/2011 at 07:57 (4,973 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


I just got back from Lawrence like 5 days ago! I was at the Midwestern music academy down at KU for the string institue. Lol.

A real gem in vacuum history for sure.

Post# 141426 , Reply# 4   6/29/2011 at 08:05 (4,973 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
I would think that the "R" (you know, the "880-R42972") after the 880 prefix and before the actual sequence number may mean "remanufactured / refurbished."


Post# 142097 , Reply# 5   7/5/2011 at 19:47 (4,966 days old) by Stan_Trekell ()        
Date of Manufacture Verified by Royal

I contacted customer service at Royal, and they told me based on the data plate information attached to the bottom of the motor housing, that this vacuum was built on April 29, 1972. This vacuum is new in the original box and includes the factory paperwork as shown. It is 39 years old and has never been used. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to own the very best example of this collectible benchmark upright vacuum cleaner.

If you have any questions, please feel free to direct them to my email address:

Best wishes!

Royal Vacuum Model 880


Post# 142098 , Reply# 6   7/5/2011 at 20:01 (4,966 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
That "R" indicates this vac was rebuilt on April 29th of 1972.


Post# 142107 , Reply# 7   7/5/2011 at 21:30 (4,966 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
So its for sale or no? If so, how much are you asking for it?

Post# 142179 , Reply# 8   7/6/2011 at 17:30 (4,965 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

I'm intrested in the Royal.

Post# 142209 , Reply# 9   7/6/2011 at 21:39 (4,965 days old) by Stan_Trekell ()        
Clarification from Royal Appliance

When I contacted Royal regarding the serial number, they conferred with older manufacturing staff members still working for the company. They made no mention of this Model 880 being refurbished and only stately quite clearly that it was manufactured, not rebuilt, on April 29, 1972. Either way, having been a antique collector for 45 years, I can attest to this machine being new and unused in the original box. Hopefully, this will clear up any confusion. I stand by what the manufacturer informed me of based on them examining the photos I emailed to them and which can be viewed online by cutting and pasting this following URL into your browser window:

P.S. I have had no luck getting this link to work through the Vacuumland upload utility. I can also email the photos to you directly.

Post# 143233 , Reply# 10   7/14/2011 at 20:27 (4,957 days old) by Stan_Trekell ()        
$275 obo by Saturday, July 16th!

I would prefer to ship this Royal Mdl 880 to an interested collector rather than put it into regular service. Read thread to determine your interest. My phone number is 785-766-6969, Kansas. $25.00 for double-boxed shipping including insurance for the full amount.

Best regards,
Stan Trekell
Lawrence, KS

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