Thread Number: 13268
kirbys for sale!!! a D-80, classic omega, heritage 84.....
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Post# 141216   6/28/2011 at 00:02 (4,951 days old) by sanitronic ()        

well i need to make some quick cash so i can pick up a filter queen majestic triple crown so im gonna have to thin out the fleet, heres some of the stuff i got.

dual sanitronic 80, original bag, cord is later kirby cord but still green. i polished it with my buffer a couple years ago, been sitting but nothing that some minor polishing wont fix

classic omega, original diamond bag, cord needs polished but very restoreable

classic III, original bag, cord, in the same shape as the D-80

heritage 84, early model, original bag, cord great shape,

heritage II legend, original bag, new cord, needs polished

legend II, original bag, cord, very nice vacuum, has new ball bearing brushroll

i also have lots of attachments and shampooers too if interested please let me know thanks!!!

Post# 141238 , Reply# 1   6/28/2011 at 07:02 (4,951 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

I am looking for the basic attachments (not the shampooer) for my H84 or Classic Omega or possibly HII (in that order), depending what you have. If you are willing to ship to Canada my postal code is N5P2H6 (Ontario) to calculate shipping.
Send me an email with details and pics if you can and what you'd like to get for them. Look forward to hearing from you. :)


Post# 141277 , Reply# 2   6/28/2011 at 11:01 (4,950 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Interested in the Classic III.... How much with shipping to zip code 54901? Thanks!

Post# 141279 , Reply# 3   6/28/2011 at 11:28 (4,950 days old) by sanitronic ()        

kirby lover, i am sure i have H84, omega, and HII attachment sets, i will dig them out today.

vacumaniac, i will look into the shipping cost and i will get the classic III out today.

thanks for the responses!

Post# 141294 , Reply# 4   6/28/2011 at 13:53 (4,950 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
parts for heritage II legend (black + grey)

I have the upright, the caddy box and some tools in it (yet not complete). Anything beyond this is missing.
What other parts have you got and what are you willing to ship to Europe?.

Sprayer and foam cap
crevice tool and mini brush for it
hose (is here, but leaking air)
air intake thingy
small handle and shoulder belt
duster brush
shampoo unit
floor care unit
turbo group w/ pads
anything waxer (and wax related stuff)
crystalator (was it still there on the H 2 L?) and anything moth bombing stuff
zip brush (wasn't this one the chromed one?)

and of course the "odder" things (handybutler, hair clipper, pizza oven, door bell, vitamine dispenser, brain wave dispersing kit *kidding* ;-) *you know, all those Kirby-ish contraptions that I might not even be aware of...

Post# 141297 , Reply# 5   6/28/2011 at 14:23 (4,950 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I read "pizza oven" and I was like "whaaaa?" But then you inserted the "just kidding" and saved me a lot of internet searches. :P


Post# 141300 , Reply# 6   6/28/2011 at 15:26 (4,950 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
LOL ;-)

right, I got you.
But what I mean is just pointing out to those many "practical" and impractical gadgets that Kirby is famous for.
Btw. I love Wallace & Grommit, they remind me of Jim Kirby and this notorious poster of him sitting at a drawing board, a Kirby vacuum just next to him.

This poster is more than strange to me: You see a guy next to an upright, obviously concentrating on something VERY scientific thing! (look at those (probably bakelite framed) Jerry Lewis-type glasses! SO scientific!). (While uprights with crossed belt and sideways upwards airstream bags having been around already).
This makes everyone think: OOOOOOH! Now HE is inventing like hell, isn't he?
But it makes myself think: Look at this man pondering over the gleam of light on that very corner there, right there on the emptor group... (he MUST be an artist... how artsy! *rofl*)
Funny enough: This picture always pops up mentionning J. Kirby while inventing "the Kirby". Now what is it all about inventing something that you can already buy in any shop around you? What about being in Ohio, where vacuum firms were more common than dandelions on a summer field? What about living in an environment where firms like Royal have been around as well?
I cannot eat this story of being "THE inventor" (he probably dived into a business that existed around him).

(Don't mistake me: Of course Jim Kirby had made some veritable inventions and several improvements on vacs and washers).

Just this romantic postcard-like poster is MORE than hilarious to me.

Post# 141301 , Reply# 7   6/28/2011 at 15:31 (4,950 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
yet still...

...I would LOVE to find any strange Kirby mechanism, be it useful or not.
It is just the "oddness" of it that fascinates me. And I pay for it. So where is the "weird" list? ;-))))

Post# 141334 , Reply# 8   6/28/2011 at 20:30 (4,950 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

Aside from the basic attachments I mentioned, some things I am looking for:

Tradition parts- I only have the main unit with emptor so I am seeking these parts for eventual restoration:
Cloth BAG (either style, I can convert), complete handle (or just the blue handle part), complete nozzle, cord, foot switch, scuff plate, headlight/hood plastic trim piece

Heritage II- emptor, bag, power cord (doesn't have to be 100% original, I just want to get it running)

Classic Omega 1CB foot switch

Manuals or cool things for any of the models I have mentioned (and the heritage 84) :)


Post# 141338 , Reply# 9   6/28/2011 at 20:48 (4,950 days old) by sanitronic ()        

whirlpolf, im pretty sure i can come up with all the heritage II stuff you are looking for except the zip brush, i do have a sander in the original box w/the pads and the sandpaper! i have no problem shipping to europe, i will find out what the shipping should be (i will charge you actual shipping price) :)

kirbylover, im sure i have the tradition parts, along with the heritage II parts, and the omega switch. and i can ship to canada as well.

vacumaniac, dont worry i didnt forget about you!

im going to try to get all this stuff dug out by the weekend, i have LOTS AND LOTS of stuff so sorry if it takes a couple days.

thanks so much for the responses! i can see my majestic in my future!

Post# 141412 , Reply# 10   6/29/2011 at 06:40 (4,950 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

thanks Sanitronic, I have sent you an email to continue this. No worries on the time and I hope you get your majestic soon. :)

Post# 141414 , Reply# 11   6/29/2011 at 06:49 (4,950 days old) by Electrolux-Dude (Canyon, TX)        

Hi, Sanitronic, do you possibly have any good Kirby Omega Armatures? I've got an Omega with a bad armature. How much would shipping be to Amarillo, TX? Please e-mail me, my e-mail is Thanks!

Post# 141677 , Reply# 12   7/1/2011 at 11:03 (4,947 days old) by thevacuumguy96 (Pocatello, ID)        

@sanitronic, I would be interested in the following items for different Kirby's:

Handi-Butler for Classic III, HII, H84, or 561
Handi-Waxer for Classic III, or 561
Turbo Brush for H84
Razor(Hair Trimmer) for H84

Please let me know what you have and how much shipping would be to Nampa, ID 83686

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