Thread Number: 13267
Vintage GE upright - any info?
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Post# 141183   6/27/2011 at 22:05 (4,981 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        

Well, I picked this up at a store called the Goodwill outlet today, and am intersted if anyone has any information on it. I looked in the archives and didn't see this particular model. Anyway, the bad news is that it is missing some of the key parts, as you can see, and the beater bar is also missing.

Too bad, but that is what happens at this particular store. It still had a good looking belt in it so who knows where the rest is. Anyway the serial numer is AVF19 - 35321

It works and what is here is in good condition. I mostly took note of the original looking bag, and I guess I'll put that on Ebay so there is a heads up. If there is any interest shoot me an email, but year and info and etc., would be most appreciated. Thanks.


Post# 141188 , Reply# 1   6/27/2011 at 22:09 (4,981 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I have never found anything made before 1985 at the Goodwill in my area. I *think* that its fairly uncommon. What did you buy it for?


Post# 141193 , Reply# 2   6/27/2011 at 22:17 (4,981 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Very cool find. You don't see many of these ge vacuums. This is early to mid 40s I would say. Good cleaners for their day. Even though it's missing pieces it's still very good looking as is.

Post# 141200 , Reply# 3   6/27/2011 at 22:44 (4,981 days old) by eluxomarty (Palm Springs)        
from the GE Production List:

AVF-19 1948

AVF-19A 1948

AVF-19AB 1948

AVF-19AC 1950

I'm not sure of the differences of each model but this is what the list states.

Post# 141535 , Reply# 4   6/30/2011 at 08:17 (4,978 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture

Marty -


I think the AVF-19A added a 2-speed switch. The earlier AVF-19 was the model that had a handle-controlled switch. When you lowered the handle, it activated a switch to turn the vacuum on. - JL

Post# 141542 , Reply# 5   6/30/2011 at 08:59 (4,978 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        

Yes, Hi and thanks for the information. This one has the toggle switch on the back of the handle and the down position is the slower speed, middle is off, and the up position is the faster. Seems like one would almost always be using the more powerful setting.

Post# 451734 , Reply# 6   4/18/2022 at 00:58 (1,034 days old) by Hornet (Canada)        

hornet's profile picture
Late 40’s

  View Full Size
Post# 451740 , Reply# 7   4/18/2022 at 09:52 (1,033 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
I believe that upright was

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
was left in our house when my parents bought in 1958. It was replaced by model 67 Convertible.

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