Thread Number: 13264
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Post# 141143   6/27/2011 at 20:39 (4,911 days old) by Real1 ()        

OK, here is my quandary. I'm just guessing, so please confirm. I have two LUX PN 1's that I just rebuilt-love them. I bought a 50th Anniversary PN 2 to match the 1205's. Never had a 1205 before, but they're the later ones with the bigger motor and fully electric hose. Both my PN 1's have a long cord that goes all the way up to the top of the wand; to plug into its electrical connection at the hose.

The PN 2 Anniversary has only a short, plug-in electrical lead that came with it (just bought the PN 2 and no wand). the bottom of the wands towards the PN heads, there is a molded socket that looks like it could accept a cord that has a female head....hence then being able to connect the short PN 2 cord to it. Is this correct? Sooooo.....if that's the case, I need a different electric cord to fish in the wand?


Post# 141151 , Reply# 1   6/27/2011 at 21:02 (4,911 days old) by whirlsonicmore (South US)        

Yes, there is a "sheath cord" that can be put in there. You will also need a jumper cord that connects the top of the wand connector to the connector on your hose handle.

Post# 141153 , Reply# 2   6/27/2011 at 21:15 (4,911 days old) by Real1 ()        

thanks. Now...does anyone have the two to sell??? I don't care how dirty they are as long as they're 100% sound. there still a new source for these?


Post# 141206 , Reply# 3   6/27/2011 at 23:10 (4,911 days old) by pnluxconvlvr (Georgia)        

pnluxconvlvr's profile picture
Vac Sew Center on Ebay is an awesome resource! Just search Electrolux 1205 on Ebay and you will find it after clicking on a few replacement parts. Excellent honest and fair seller. His store helped me a lot! :) Tyler

Post# 141209 , Reply# 4   6/27/2011 at 23:19 (4,911 days old) by whirlsonicmore (South US)        

I have lots of stuff myself, but new aftermarket parts are no problem for all you need. Easy things to find.

It would still be good to see a pic of what you have, to be sure of what we're working with.

Post# 141259 , Reply# 5   6/28/2011 at 09:25 (4,910 days old) by Real1 ()        

Tyler: I'll try Vac Sew Center on ebay, thanks!

Whirlsonicmore: My cell phone does not have a cord to transfer picture data to my PC. The cord costs as much as the phone. I'm getting a new phone soon. Otherwise, I can take a 35mm pic, have the roll developed to disc and then upload the pic. A lot of trouble for something not critical.

I'm through with TotalVac. I placed an order there for a hose on the 16th. I just got a notification today that they are just now 'processing' the order. That's ridiculous. This is twice now they have done this to me. I shouldn't have to wait a month to get an in stock part from anybody, as there's nothing special about TotalVac.


Post# 141262 , Reply# 6   6/28/2011 at 09:39 (4,910 days old) by Real1 ()        

I think this may be it? But it's not listed for a PN 2...


Post# 141266 , Reply# 7   6/28/2011 at 09:52 (4,910 days old) by mercuryman ()        
That looks like the "jumper cord"

The cord in the link you posted looks like the one that will connect to the sheath, then connect to the suction end of your hose.

Post# 141269 , Reply# 8   6/28/2011 at 10:09 (4,910 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

There are two different wand sheath cords.  The one pictured in real1's link is for a direct-connect hose.  The correct cord for a PN2 wand sheath is longer.


Direct connect wand on left, PN2 wand on right

Post# 141302 , Reply# 9   6/28/2011 at 15:53 (4,910 days old) by Real1 ()        

Yeah, I think Henry is correct. The other one that I linked to is 21 1/2" long direct connect-not for a PN 1 or 2. It needs to be longer like the one pictured by Henry on the right.'s back to square one for something aftermarket. Or...???


Post# 141333 , Reply# 10   6/28/2011 at 20:23 (4,910 days old) by whirlsonicmore (South US)        

PN5 wand set and direct-connect hose. Best setup if you ask me.

Post# 141339 , Reply# 11   6/28/2011 at 20:52 (4,910 days old) by Real1 ()        

I wouldn't argue that, but I still have the turquoise color on three wand. And since I have two perfectly working PN 1's, I'll keep looking for the correct wand sheath cord & jumper for the PN 2. Hoses I don't care; the most modern looking one that works.


Post# 141396 , Reply# 12   6/28/2011 at 23:52 (4,910 days old) by Real1 ()        
Found this....

quoted as a sheath cord "Long" (EL-514). So I'm probably going to try this.



Post# 141433 , Reply# 13   6/29/2011 at 09:16 (4,909 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

That's the cord you need, just like mine!

Post# 141437 , Reply# 14   6/29/2011 at 10:12 (4,909 days old) by minivanmegafun ()        

Can someone possibly do a lineup of all the Lux PNs? I know what 1, 4, and 5 look like, but I'm fuzzy on 2, 3 and 6.

Post# 141444 , Reply# 15   6/29/2011 at 13:49 (4,909 days old) by whirlsonicmore (South US)        

Was there a PN3? Have yet to see it. 6 was similar to 5, but had a smaller circuit breaker and styling changes to the top cover.

Post# 141464 , Reply# 16   6/29/2011 at 19:09 (4,909 days old) by Real1 ()        

Sometimes companies do that; skip a number in sequence for whatever reason. Often it's to make the customers think that the 'newer' model is much more advanced and/or light yrs beyond the previous models. Maybe LUX had a PN 3 on paper, but I've never seen one.


Post# 141477 , Reply# 17   6/29/2011 at 19:35 (4,909 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

There was a PN III, but only in Canada.

Post# 141493 , Reply# 18   6/29/2011 at 21:23 (4,909 days old) by pnluxconvlvr (Georgia)        
This is an AWESOME link!

pnluxconvlvr's profile picture
Post# 141494 , Reply# 19   6/29/2011 at 21:26 (4,909 days old) by pnluxconvlvr (Georgia)        
Click on power nozzles in link

pnluxconvlvr's profile picture
This gave me the most info. I found a brand new aqua sheath cord online that I trimmed and used to replace my PN1 to sheath cord. I will try to find the link.

Post# 141498 , Reply# 20   6/29/2011 at 21:49 (4,909 days old) by Real1 ()        

That IS an awesome link...many kudos, pnlux! The PN 1 cord arrangement is different from the PN 2 metal model. But curiously, there is a molded space towards the bottom of my PN 1 wands for a sheath cord. Which probably means some country had it that way, correct?

I suspect they tried a metal PN cover, because every plastic PN 1 I've been into has at least one of the threaded, female plastic posts cracked. And I've seen a few PN 1 covers cracked as well. OK so there was a PN 3, Canadian sales...


Post# 141512 , Reply# 21   6/29/2011 at 23:32 (4,909 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

See following for quite a few pics of Lux PNs, Canadian and otherwise

CLICK HERE TO GO TO sireluxomatic's LINK

Post# 141562 , Reply# 22   6/30/2011 at 14:11 (4,908 days old) by pnluxconvlvr (Georgia)        
This is the only AQUA cord I have found NEW

pnluxconvlvr's profile picture
I bought this and cut the female end off and stripped the wire to redo my PN1 to sheath cord. I did not save the female end to know its application for sure but the cord did not look long enough to be a wire clamped all the way down the hose to the canister and might work in a sheath. I might buy another one just to have on hand since it is aqua. Hope this is of some use to you and others. :)

CLICK HERE TO GO TO pnluxconvlvr's LINK

Post# 141604 , Reply# 23   6/30/2011 at 20:52 (4,908 days old) by Real1 ()        

that might work as the sheath cord. I'd almost be willing to gamble because of the color & price! Thanx for the link!


Post# 141608 , Reply# 24   6/30/2011 at 21:22 (4,908 days old) by Real1 ()        

Delicious information on the PN's, especially the Canadian versions. Seems like the PN 3 was mostly sold in Canada and was brief lived because of mechanical/electrical ills. Too bad because it had a height adjustment switch.

Thanks All for the lively PN model discussion! Although two of my PN 1's seem identical on the outside, one has a slightly updated bearing hold down system. And then the all turquoise one that I have for an early 1205 (not mine), has completely redesigned bearings and brackets.

If and when I go digital, I'll post pics of what I'm referring to.;-)


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