Thread Number: 13257
Electrolux Model S on eBay
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Post# 141095   6/27/2011 at 13:56 (4,778 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




This is not in the greatest condition, but it's one of the scarcer Electroluxes. It's a very darling and dainty little machine. Someone should snap it up and give it a spa treatment!


CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK on eBay

Post# 141104 , Reply# 1   6/27/2011 at 14:35 (4,778 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
Someone should snap it up and give it a spa treatment

I was thinking the same thing.  Perhaps moi?

Post# 141119 , Reply# 2   6/27/2011 at 18:33 (4,778 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

O M G ! You should like SO go for that "S"! They are like the coolest 'lil vacs ever! Here's mine.

Post# 141120 , Reply# 3   6/27/2011 at 18:34 (4,778 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Even though I restored the unit itself, the original cord and plug were in great shape.

Post# 141121 , Reply# 4   6/27/2011 at 18:35 (4,778 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

I did find some tools and restored them too!

Post# 141122 , Reply# 5   6/27/2011 at 18:36 (4,778 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Rear view - not a cord winding feature in sight!

Post# 141123 , Reply# 6   6/27/2011 at 18:44 (4,778 days old) by Real1 ()        

How similar is this to the Model T?

Post# 141125 , Reply# 7   6/27/2011 at 19:03 (4,778 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Way different!

The model "T" was an automobile made by Ford from 1908 through 1927. It didn't look anything like the Electrolux model "S".

And yes - I'm being a smart - ass Alec. The lux "T" which was earlier than the "S" chronologically, but later alphabetically (who knows why) is a plain cylinder no frills unit with various parts stolen from other machines.

I don't have a picture handy - but some one will shortly I'm sure.


Post# 141126 , Reply# 8   6/27/2011 at 19:03 (4,778 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
such a sweet, cute 'lil vac!

Rick, your S is magnificent!  I've been looking at that ebay ad for a couple days, and you have inspired me to bid on that lonely little lux! 



Post# 141135 , Reply# 9   6/27/2011 at 19:46 (4,778 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

aawww, Neil - Thanks. Good Luck!


Post# 141147 , Reply# 10   6/27/2011 at 20:45 (4,778 days old) by Real1 ()        

the Model 'T' was never officially released in the LUX line, but primarily used by salesman to sell a 'second tier', smaller vacuum, if all else failed? Versus this model which seems very detailed and well built-perhaps aimed at apartment dwellers and the like?


Post# 141155 , Reply# 11   6/27/2011 at 21:22 (4,778 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Now you're getting into areas that I'm no real expert on. I'm sure others will be able to fill in the blanks better than I, but for most of it's history I think that Electrolux more often than not had a "lesser" equipped machine to offer if the more deluxe models just couldn't be sold.

Just for example model "L"'s were offered as economy machines under (I think) "G"'s, 1205's (I know for sure) Golden J's and Super J's. Then I think that was the end of the line for "L"'s. Even the good old model XXX was sold "under" the self-emptying LX for part of it's run.

There's more instances of economy machines - but like I said, there are more knowledgeable people here than I on this subject.


Post# 141156 , Reply# 12   6/27/2011 at 21:29 (4,778 days old) by Real1 ()        

actually makes good sense. Because as I look at the LUX history chart I see different models made in the same production yrs. I thought at first maybe they were continuing with a model because it had been so popular and/or they had an abundance of extra parts. But clearly, there was more going on than that....


Post# 141163 , Reply# 13   6/27/2011 at 21:39 (4,778 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Not only that Kevin - there are a lot of models not shown on that chart at all!

(sitting here waiting for others to chime in at this point - tapping my foot uncontrollably.....arms folded in front of me...disturbed* look on my face)

*but not too disturbed so as to help prevent premature wrinkling

Post# 141169 , Reply# 14   6/27/2011 at 21:46 (4,778 days old) by Real1 ()        

a lot of forums, this is an 'occasional' site where tomorrow, there might be five replies to this very issue.;-) I would LOVE to know about models NOT on the chart, their reason for existence and how they were marketed!


Post# 141196 , Reply# 15   6/27/2011 at 22:37 (4,778 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Rick that S is beautiful!!! You certainly know how to make these vacs showroom worthy! Neil, best of luck on the bids. Hope you get it!

Post# 141362 , Reply# 16   6/28/2011 at 21:58 (4,777 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        
ELECTROLUX Economy Models





The first two Electrolux economy models were simply older models "rolled over" into newer models.


When the XXX came out in 1937, the previous Model XII was still available at lower cost. Its color scheme was redesigned with dark gray leatherette and a gray cloth snap-in hose with black and white "XXX" tracing and given the designation of Model XIIA.


When the LX came out in 1952, the XXX was still available at lower cost. Its color scheme was redesigned with dark turquoise leatherette, periwinkle blue wrinkle finish undercarriage, and the front cover and cord winder were painted in hammertone blue, as was the rear "collar" that holds the filter cover and the Companion attachment rack. The rubber handle was bluer in color, as was the trim on the attachments.


The 1941 Model XX or 20 may not have an economy model but, as I have been told by an Electrolux oldtimer, was introduced as a new model meant to replace the XXX. It was designed by Lurelle Guild, the same designer who created the XXX and air-powered floor polisher. Whatever reason it was made for, it proved to be a failure because it looked to be more cheaply made and was not as lovely -- by a long shot -- as the XXX. It was quickly discontinued and a restyled Model XXX was reintroduced in 1942 or 1943 with some slight changes.


The first "real" economy model was the all-new "feather light" Model E introduced in 1954 as an official lower-tier option for the hernia-inducing Model LX. The E was continued as an economy model when the E-Automatic was introduced in 1956. 


The E and AE are fairly similar in appearance, and apparently some confusion arose between the two. Also, the two models were not that different in cost. So Electrolux rolled out its second -- and much larger and more embarrassing -- disaster, the Model T as the new economy model introduced in 1956.


The Model T =was= an official model release and was advertised in Electrolux's print advertising as a "thrift model." However, it is really a cheesy looking thing with no aesthetic or decorative considerations whatsoever. It was so cheaply made that they didn't even put a rubber tip on the on-off switch! It was a big flop and pulled after less than a year.


Enter the dainty Model S in early 1957, completely restyled in lovely eggshell blue and off-white with matching colors in the hose and attachments. I guess as a nod toward "economy" the didn't provide a corn-wrapping halo on the end.


Then the Model F came out in late 1957, and then in 1958 the Model S was restyled in colors matching the Model F, gray and off-white, with a slightly different hose, and called the Model R. A cord halo was added and also an optional cord winder was available for it. 


Interestingly, the cleaning attachments for the Model R were the same as the Model G even though it had not yet come out -- combination floor/rug tool in off-white with a turquoise bumper, and a combination dusting brush in off-white with turquoise "legs." Perhaps Electrolux was looking ahead at the G which would come out a year or so later.


The Model G came out in 1960, with the Model R serving as the economy model until 1963 when the Model L was introduced. The Model L was sold for 16 years, second-only in endurance to the Model XXX, and was made in four different colors. The last Model L was done up in a kitschy, hideous-looking gold-tone color in deference to Electrolux's 50-year "Golden Anniversary."


The next economy model to follow was the Olympia Special in dark brown and white, a plain-jane machine that I think was all plastic. After that was the Silverado Special, the same machine as the Olympia Special but in two-tone gray colors. (I am not sure about the plastic as I've never had either of these.)


That's as far as I know, since my interest in Electrolux ends pretty much with their first 50 years, although I do admire the Silverado and am CRAZY about my Grand Marquis which has for several months been my Daily Driver.


Hope this information is helpful. For those who want to read more about Electrolux and to see photos of the various models, I cordially invite you to visit my Electrolux History web site. See the link below.


CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK

This post was last edited 06/28/2011 at 23:38
Post# 141363 , Reply# 17   6/28/2011 at 22:10 (4,777 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Thanks for that historical overview.  I've always appreciated your vast knowledge of all this stuff, ever since I first came across your website years ago.  I have just one thing to add/clarify.... the model 1453 "Olympia Special" and the later Silverado version were still metal-bodied machines.




P.S.  So far I still have the winning bid on that S!  I hope I get it, I hope I get it, I really wanna get it....

Post# 141372 , Reply# 18   6/28/2011 at 22:28 (4,777 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Thanks Charles for filling in the spaces. I too have always loved your website.

I've got my fingers crossed for you Neil.

One thing I've always thought unique about the "S" was the fact that the "belt line" stamping work does not continue through to the rear motor housing as it does on machines before and after it. It makes doing bodywork on it much easier than on other models. Although, I'm sure that was not Lux's intention at the time.

Here's a model "R" example...

Post# 141374 , Reply# 19   6/28/2011 at 22:29 (4,777 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

With just a touch of chrome......

Post# 141402 , Reply# 20   6/29/2011 at 01:34 (4,776 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




The Model R really is a cool and lovely machine. Granted, I have a soft spot for all the economy models because so many people had them.

Post# 141570 , Reply# 21   6/30/2011 at 15:25 (4,775 days old) by constellation86 (Roy, UT)        

There is also a 1453 in the Diamond J colors.

Post# 141576 , Reply# 22   6/30/2011 at 16:42 (4,775 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

And 1453's in the Olympia and Silverado colors as well.


Post# 141578 , Reply# 23   6/30/2011 at 17:10 (4,775 days old) by mercuryman ()        
To further elaborate on Charles' comments re the Model T

What I have been told is that the Model T was introduced to compete with another "thrift" model that was being manufactured by another company at the same time in 1956. Also, I've been told that the Model T provided a way for Electrolux to use up its copious amount of leftover Model XXX bodies and bag chambers.

And it's true...the Model T had no aesthetic whatsoever. One might even consider it to be a rather "homely" vacuum cleaner...sort of the AMC Gremlin of vacuums (hehe). It was nothing more than a cylinder with two holes at each end...and not even so much as a rubber bumper to prevent it from getting dented if accidentally slammed into a wall while being dragged.

Post# 142473 , Reply# 24   7/9/2011 at 10:34 (4,766 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
It's here!

The little tike showed up on my doorstep this morning.  It has some bumps and scrapes but still runs as strong and smoothly as the day it was born.  I've already done the jet propulsion test....remove the cover, turn it on and watch it travel across the garage floor!   The poor thing has been through a dust storm so a thorough cleaning is in order, and once the baby blanket two-toned blue finish is restored I will need to give it a name.  It's so gosh darned cute!

Post# 142474 , Reply# 25   7/9/2011 at 10:35 (4,766 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Original cord and plug

Post# 142475 , Reply# 26   7/9/2011 at 10:36 (4,766 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

An unfortunate rear-ending incident at some point

Post# 142476 , Reply# 27   7/9/2011 at 10:38 (4,766 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

a "make do with what you have on hand" disposable bag solution

Post# 142477 , Reply# 28   7/9/2011 at 10:40 (4,766 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Must have eaten something that disagreed

Post# 142501 , Reply# 29   7/9/2011 at 15:29 (4,766 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Clip on rear end of handle

Was that clip used for the crevice tool's storage?

Post# 142527 , Reply# 30   7/9/2011 at 18:37 (4,766 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
the clip at the back of the handle

is to hold the end of the cord in place when it's wrapped up.   You'll find a clip of some sort for that purpose on the R, E (AE) AF, and L too.

Post# 142542 , Reply# 31   7/9/2011 at 19:50 (4,766 days old) by mercuryman ()        

Congratulations on scoring this rare Lux. It will be nice to see it after its restoration, especially since you have the original hose and other attachments!

Post# 142615 , Reply# 32   7/10/2011 at 09:28 (4,765 days old) by Real1 ()        

to a small town, we just don't see these things here. I've only seen one G in this town and I bought it. I comb the thrift stores routinely (actually, we're down to one thrift) and garage sales. In all the yrs at garage/yard sales, I've never seen a LUX. Seems the LUX salesman here must of had a very a hard time;religious/conservative/cheap. However, the folks with palatial places have/had Kirby's.

I would like to journey to thrifts in larger metro areas, but everyone thinks I'm crazy to. The few times I've gone, I've been told 'you don't need another vacuum'. Probably not, but at least I use the vacuums. How do you 'use' jewelry or the other bling items people collect?


Post# 142618 , Reply# 33   7/10/2011 at 09:37 (4,765 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Glad to see you got the item!!! Look forward to seeing the resto!

Post# 142630 , Reply# 34   7/10/2011 at 10:48 (4,765 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

I want to do a first rate restoration on the Lux.  After seeing Rick's I can't wait to get mine looking just as beautiful!  With Electrolux I always gravitated to the automatic models (what kid wouldn't for obvious reasons) but I'm developing a real soft spot for this humble little darling.

Post# 142636 , Reply# 35   7/10/2011 at 11:36 (4,765 days old) by Real1 ()        

I'm sure you will do a stellar job, Neil. Can't wait to see the pics and yeah, Rick's is stunning to say the least.


Post# 142682 , Reply# 36   7/10/2011 at 20:57 (4,765 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Well, fantastic -

I'm so glad that machine has been adopted now by a good person.

You will do fine on that machine Neil. And I know what you mean by having a soft spot for the humble little workhorses. No frills, no bells or whistles - but still around today, and ready for it's second life.

Congratulations and keep taking plenty of pictures!


Post# 142824 , Reply# 37   7/11/2011 at 19:00 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

I'm going to answer your message you sent me later tonight (Thanks for using that system - BTW, ain't it great?)

But I thought I would post pictures on here in response to your message:

The cover and body are just like you said baby blanket blue(s), just like yours - it may be the camera or the photo-handling software. I thought I would show you the difference with comparisons.

Post# 142826 , Reply# 38   7/11/2011 at 19:01 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        


Post# 142827 , Reply# 39   7/11/2011 at 19:02 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        


Post# 142828 , Reply# 40   7/11/2011 at 19:03 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Never realized this until just now...

"S" bag cover:

Post# 142829 , Reply# 41   7/11/2011 at 19:07 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

"R" bag has an added "dimple to match the trim piece. You would think having done that, Lux would have only put ONE on the cover so we would know which way THEY wanted the cover to go! With the decorative lines tapering toward the top or to the bottom? I bet the designers were having a big laugh over this...

Post# 142831 , Reply# 42   7/11/2011 at 19:11 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Thought you might like to see another "whoops" that missed the inspectors with this "S" of mine.

Notice how the bag chamber is slightly skewed toward the right?

Mine had a little rust in it just like yours does. Any moisture picked up from vacuuming a carpet next to a door in the winter with melted snow could cause this. The part of the bag chamber you can see is painted - but they didn't paint the other side of it and rust was bound to show up.

Post# 142832 , Reply# 43   7/11/2011 at 19:13 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

When I built my "R", at least I was able to get the bag chamber in straight...It's from a model "E". Construction pics to follow this one.

Post# 142834 , Reply# 44   7/11/2011 at 19:14 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

"R" before:1

Post# 142835 , Reply# 45   7/11/2011 at 19:15 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        


Post# 142836 , Reply# 46   7/11/2011 at 19:15 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        


Post# 142838 , Reply# 47   7/11/2011 at 19:20 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

"R"4 This was having "created and shaped" a new bag bulkhead and chamber support out of PC7 Epoxy, a lot of sanding, and luck. I can't find the rest of the pictures of the bag chamber re-do. But you can get the idea.

Post# 142839 , Reply# 48   7/11/2011 at 19:33 (4,764 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Holy cow, that wasn't a restoration, you performed a miraculous reconstruction from an archaeological artifact!  I'm impressed.  I would feel honored to stand in the shadow of your greatness!

Post# 142840 , Reply# 49   7/11/2011 at 19:39 (4,764 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

I'm sorry I Bogart-ed your I said, I'll write later.

Post# 142852 , Reply# 50   7/11/2011 at 20:53 (4,764 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
beginning the disassembly process

interesting exhaust baffle

Post# 142854 , Reply# 51   7/11/2011 at 20:56 (4,764 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

There is some rust, but nothing too serious.  Except for some expected carbon brush debris, the motor is surprisingly free of accumulated dust considering how old this is. 

Post# 142855 , Reply# 52   7/11/2011 at 20:58 (4,764 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

The proctologist's view

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