Thread Number: 13233
Bearing replacement for Kirby Heritage II
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Post# 140813   6/24/2011 at 17:15 (4,858 days old) by DeaconW ()        

I am the deacon at my church and we have a Kirby Heritage II that sounds like it's bearings are going bad (I would guess it is the front bearing). I need help on how to take the vacuum apart so that I can diagnose and fix the problem. Does anyone have the service manual in electronic form? I am down to taking off the plastic fan, and I'm stuck. God Bless, DeaconW

Post# 140816 , Reply# 1   6/24/2011 at 18:48 (4,858 days old) by kirbykid63 (Wilmington Delaware)        
I can help you

I rebuild those all the time you can call me at 520-260-1364.

Richard Groski

Post# 140817 , Reply# 2   6/24/2011 at 19:10 (4,858 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

Deacon definately call kirbykid63. Schemematics do exist but are very hard to come by on line. You need to find someone like kirbykid63. He will be able to help you. It isn't to hard of a job to do if you are good with tools. Does take some basic knowledge do the job.

Post# 140834 , Reply# 3   6/24/2011 at 21:25 (4,858 days old) by DeaconW ()        

Thank you so much. I will call kirbykid63. Can you all recommend also a good source of genuine Kirby parts?

Post# 140837 , Reply# 4   6/24/2011 at 21:34 (4,858 days old) by thevacuumman (Borger, TX)        

Probably Bill (a007kirbyman) would be the best person to get genuine parts from i have gotten the parts for my Kirby 510 from him

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