Thread Number: 13225
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Post# 140726   6/23/2011 at 18:16 (4,782 days old) by mercuryman ()        

Look at the new "present to myself" I received on my doorstep today!

Post# 140727 , Reply# 1   6/23/2011 at 18:17 (4,782 days old) by mercuryman ()        
and another shot...

of the Model G from 1964:

Post# 140728 , Reply# 2   6/23/2011 at 18:24 (4,782 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        
Nice G!!!!

kloveland's profile picture

That's a very nice Model G. Yours must be newer than mine, because mine has the plug for the power nozzle below the hose. The hose looks to be in great shape as well. Even though it's a replacement it doesn't look bad with the machine. At least it will be air tight.

Post# 140730 , Reply# 3   6/23/2011 at 18:40 (4,782 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




The Model G is just too lovely for words, isn't it. I found a coiled vinyl hose in that same muted color that matches the machine perfectly. Not as lovely as the original woven hose, but it looks good and performs great!





Post# 140737 , Reply# 4   6/23/2011 at 19:22 (4,782 days old) by mercuryman ()        
@ Charles:

This machine is so beautiful that I can't stop staring at it. It also SOUNDS's so whisper-quiet; really, all you hear is the airflow and VERY LITTLE motor whine. I love my other Luxes but this one takes my breath away! I'm so glad I finally found one in superb condition.

Post# 140741 , Reply# 5   6/23/2011 at 19:43 (4,782 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        


You know it seems like Christmas comes around sooner and sooner every year. Is it July already?

Nice looking machine I hope that it serves you well and has a prominent spot to be displayed.

Post# 140762 , Reply# 6   6/23/2011 at 21:32 (4,782 days old) by Real1 ()        

my absolute favorite machine/tank!! What I usually look for in G's is how much wear is on the machine bumper. Then the next thing I look for is wear around the machine grommet that surrounds the cord. Both of those items, because of the color I think, would be unobtainium at this point....except from a donor.

Polish up that metal with Mother's M/A and it will be stunning! Looks like the correct upholstery brush. And hey, if ya ever want to sell it.....;-)


Post# 140763 , Reply# 7   6/23/2011 at 21:34 (4,782 days old) by luxg ()        

I have to agree, that is my favorite Electrolux of all.  I always say the the G's both turquoise and tan were Electrolux at their finest!!  Great machine Brian.

Post# 140770 , Reply# 8   6/23/2011 at 22:12 (4,782 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




My friend the retired Electrolux regional manager has told me many times that he feels the G was the best machine, on many counts, that Electrolux ever made. I talked to him today and asked him about Hospital Gs. He said, "Oh my, I sold those like crazy! I used to really stress the fresh-air aspect and quietness of them, and usually all it took was for someone to hear one in operation for them to purchase. I sold nearly as many Hospital Gs as I did the standard Gs!"

Post# 140780 , Reply# 9   6/24/2011 at 00:32 (4,782 days old) by hygiene903 (Galion, OH)        
That's One Beautiful G!

hygiene903's profile picture
I only wish mine looked that nice! The G is my favorite Electrolux, and I agree with Terry that it was Electrolux at their finest!

Post# 140787 , Reply# 10   6/24/2011 at 02:21 (4,781 days old) by mercuryman ()        

I am still "slapping myself" over this acquisition...I can hardly believe that I own it!

Charles, as you once said of the mint condition Model 30 you found at a thrift shop, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." Indeed, it's so true!

I have to agree that this machine is the best vacuum Electrolux ever made, from their heyday before the Consolidated Foods take-over. This even came with the original owner's manual, which is quite comprehensive.

I even did my own "lay-person's" suction test between this machine and my Super J. Truth be told...I'm not sure I saw much of a difference between the pull of the 850 watt motor in the Super J and the 535 watt motor in the Model G!

When I first unveiled this machine from its shipping box, I checked the vacuum bag. Brand new. I then pulled out my aftermarket hose with pigtail wire attached (ready and waiting for the arrival of this machine), and connected my G-era PN-1 to it and gave my bedroom a thorough "once-over". Lo and behold, after a 15 minute vacuum "sesh", I checked the bag and there was quite a bit of dust in it! (I should lower my head in shame for having a dirty bedroom carpet, but...whatevs.)

I really think this machine (aside from the stylish Model 30), is one of the prettiest vacuums Electrolux ever made. Even the owner's manual is pretty...and, what I find to be funny about it, is that it's particularly sexist when it states "some women choose to change bags between cleanings". WHO ever said that it was always women that did the cleaning? Ahh, well...that was the mentality in 1964. :-P

Post# 140795 , Reply# 11   6/24/2011 at 09:31 (4,781 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




WHO ever said that it was always women that did the cleaning? Ahh, well...that was the mentality in 1964. :-P

And, alas, still prevails today in some quarters. There are plenty of men who assert that "a woman's place is in the home, barefoot and pregnant with an apron around her waist." Some men may not come right out and say it, lest they incur the wrath of Gloria Allred et al, but they believe it and may say so when they think no one's overhearing them. See the thread about the sexist pilot's rant."


Post# 140809 , Reply# 12   6/24/2011 at 16:30 (4,781 days old) by pinkge (Indianapolis,Indiana)        
beautiful G

of all the Lux's I think the G,Lx and the XXX is the coolest and prettiest.Your are lucky to have that in your collection.Merry Christmax,Mercuryman to yourself.Those are the best laden gifts.Enjoy...

Post# 140824 , Reply# 13   6/24/2011 at 20:15 (4,781 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




As someone else said [too lazy to scroll back up and see who it was hahaha], the front and rear aluminum covers will polish up very nicely and the machine will look even more fabulous! When the Model Gs were new, they were just stunningly beautiful.



Post# 140865 , Reply# 14   6/24/2011 at 23:00 (4,781 days old) by Real1 ()        

I said that....and did anyone see the final price of the Hospital G on ebay about a week ago? It was well over $300 and counting when I quit watching....

And as far as advertising being sexist back then, absolutely so. Vacuums were purely the domain of women; even if us boys did the vacuuming. Many a time my mom would brag to friends how I loved to run the Hoover, not the Rexair...that thing was frightening.;-)


Post# 140874 , Reply# 15   6/25/2011 at 00:12 (4,781 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




The Hospital G went for something like $550, maybe even $595. Kinda shocking given its imperfect condition, replacement hose, etc. But that's what happens when a few people get into a bidding war. But I would never begrudge someone the right to spend what they want if they have it. I'd probably do the same thing if my income was unlimited. I'd be out-bidding everyone!! hahaha



Post# 140987 , Reply# 16   6/26/2011 at 11:30 (4,779 days old) by RainbowJoel (Dexter NM)        

Beautiful Vacuum!

Post# 141035 , Reply# 17   6/26/2011 at 22:02 (4,779 days old) by Real1 ()        
Hospital G

That is shocking! Probably a couple of collectors locked horns. Hopefully, it wasn't someone who had been looking forever and spent more than they should. If so, you'll see it resurface on ebay again in the near future; happens all the time. I'm just happy that the two models that interest me the most; the G and the 1205, seem to be plentiful @ present.

I gotta start combing the thrift stores more often to beat the shipping cost issue. Sometimes the shipping is more than the unit....I hate when that happens.:-( I did find a G locally at a shop with attachments....but she made me pay dearly. Incredible fact most of the wear I put on, I cleaned/polished and put aside for now. I've got another G with a weaker motor I need to go through and put it into service. I put a nice 1205 aside for a total clean and Nathans 1205 does the daily stuff.


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