Thread Number: 13195
1205 Function question
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Post# 140454   6/21/2011 at 09:49 (4,957 days old) by Real1 ()        

OK, on the 1205 (and other models) there is the slide for closing the exhaust port. When the port is closed, this forces the exhaust to vent out the slits in the top-both sides. It 'seems' that the vacuum runs cooler with the slide open. Even putting your hands on both sides of the vents with the door/slide closed, the machine doesn't seem to put out as much exhaust. I wonder/worry about this a bit. I'm happy to run with the slide open, if it means the motor will run cooler....?


Post# 140460 , Reply# 1   6/21/2011 at 11:03 (4,957 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

It's a basic rule of physics that the more circuitous the path, the greater chance of airflow being impeded.  I don't think Electrolux would have continued using that exhaust design for as long as they did if it was measurably reducing airflow enough to adversely affect performance or cause motor overheating.   I've never had a problem with any of my Electroluxes of that design.  In fact, the only vacuum of mine which I thought got uncomfortably hot was my Filter Queen.  After 30-45 minutes of continuous operation, the dome would be almost too hot to touch, but it was still moving a LOT of air! 


I think a good way to test what you're talking about is to measure any change in suction/airflow at the inlet while switching the exhaust port between open and closed. 

Post# 140527 , Reply# 2   6/21/2011 at 22:23 (4,957 days old) by Real1 ()        

I might actually take it to another level and measure the temp of both modes of operation. The more heat generated, the more wear there will be ultimately.....since I want my machines to outlast me, I'll do some research. What I was curious about was how many people have used the model longterm with the slide door closed and if that included long sessions of vacuuming.

Just theorizing...probably the design engineers had some customer feedback about the exhaust ports on the older machine, like the G re-blowing dust around if you're not mindful of where the exhaust is pointing while vacuuming.


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