Thread Number: 13174
Rainbow D2 - Serial #3738819
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Post# 140265   6/19/2011 at 17:19 (4,864 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture

Would anyone on this board know exactly how old this Rainbow model D2 is? It is serial #3738819. It is from at least 1976 (3-wire cord) but before 1979 because the trim color is still copper and not chocolate brown.

Also ... the power nozzle that I saw with it was not, according to the nameplate, originally a Rainbow power nozzle. Why? The nameplate suggested the PN was originally made by Eureka, but for Montgomery Ward. Details: Wards Signature Motorized Nozzle Model SP-311-1B, Serial 47X107143.

When the previous owner took in this power nozzle to a Rainbow dealer (remember that Eureka made PNs for both labels), the original Montgomery Ward Signature front decal and 2-wire motor assembly was replaced by the Rainbow-specific 3-wire motor assembly, and the 1976-79-style Rainbow woodgrain decal.

Thank you,


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