I recently saw a wooden vacuum cleaner! It is the push style sweeper (non electric). The imprint on the top of it says, "Automatic Vacuum Cleaner Company Wooden Vacuum." It looks in good condition to me but I did not remove the bottom portion and look inside of it. It is about the size of the modern day non electric push sweepers but more rectangular in shape. It is really cool looking to me. I tried to find out something about this company and could not. I am thinking of buying it because it is so unique. But, would like more information before making that decision. Thanks for your help!!! Sorry no picture and tomorrow is the day of the auction.
Post# 140048 , Reply# 1   6/17/2011 at 21:44 (4,984 days old) by henry200(Saint Paul MN)  
Occasionally one of those shows up on ebay. I believe the sweeper you're talking about has a leather bellows which is pumped by rods connected to the wheels as they turn. The leather is very likely shot but if the price was right I wouldn't mind having one just as a curiosity. They are an interesting bit of domestic labor-saving history.