Thread Number: 13143
My new vacuum #5 ( are any of my vacuums worth anything ? )
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Post# 139960   6/16/2011 at 19:29 (4,922 days old) by JoeOConnor ()        

Hello I just aquired my 5th vacuum I was told it is WWII era.I have paid between 5 and 25 dollars for the ones I have. Are these good prices?.These are the styles i like best from what you can see are any worth any amount of money. Just curious. I also Collect antique fans I have been collecting them for about 15 years and its recently expanded to Vacuums. Slowly learning.... only vacuum not showing is one called the Air way kinda neat looking vacuum but in rough shape ill post a pic when i dig it out of storage. I actually got that one 5 years ago cause it was 5 dollars and looked cool.

Post# 139961 , Reply# 1   6/16/2011 at 19:35 (4,922 days old) by JoeOConnor ()        
OOPS Forgot the Pic !!

OOPS Forgot the Pic !!

Post# 139962 , Reply# 2   6/16/2011 at 19:38 (4,922 days old) by JoeOConnor ()        
And no there not for sale

And no there not for sale

Post# 139964 , Reply# 3   6/16/2011 at 19:41 (4,922 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

The prices you have payed for your vacuums are pretty good indeed. They are worth more than that.

I also collect fans. I have a 1925 ge stationary brass blade in ivory white. A 1925 Dayton 367 16" brass blade. A 1950s Westinghouse 8" leader fan. And a old green hassoc fan from the 50s.

Post# 139965 , Reply# 4   6/16/2011 at 19:47 (4,922 days old) by JoeOConnor ()        

I have downsized my fan Collection from about 200 to 30. I mostly collect fans from 1890's to late teens.

Post# 139966 , Reply# 5   6/16/2011 at 19:52 (4,922 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Neat! I would love to see these fans. Perhaps you could start a thread off topic about them. I'm wanting to get a 1903 ge cake fan.

Post# 139977 , Reply# 6   6/16/2011 at 21:05 (4,922 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
I believe the Kirby with the Classic III 2-CB bag and Classic 1-CR bag top is no earlier than a model 516 and no later than the 519.


Post# 139978 , Reply# 7   6/16/2011 at 21:07 (4,922 days old) by ralph (Morgan Hill)        

I like the vaccum on the far right a lot! First thing I thought when I saw it was Robby…

Post# 139982 , Reply# 8   6/16/2011 at 21:36 (4,922 days old) by JoeOConnor ()        

Ben,The kirby is a 519 im not sure whats origional or not on it. I have alot of attachments for it and the manual which says it was purchased in 1959.

Ralph, I recently Got the GE just got a new belt for it today and it works great. I only know it was made around 1938 its a AV-5. I havent seen any advertisments for it on the web. eluxomarty told me the info on a earlier thread.

Post# 139991 , Reply# 9   6/16/2011 at 22:04 (4,922 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
OK ... model 519: produced 1959-1960.

Original bag (#K-190058S) was a gray and speckled version of the original 515-516 bag, with the 1953-style Kirby logo, without the additional stripes. Original wheels (#K-132056) were gray and had ribbed treads. Original cord (#K-192059) is gray with red male and female plugs.


Post# 140000 , Reply# 10   6/16/2011 at 22:41 (4,922 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

The Hoover appears to be a Model 700, from around 1926. And everything looks to be original on it too. I would give you info on the Kirby, but it looks like everything on it was mostly covered in the above post. :)


Post# 140001 , Reply# 11   6/16/2011 at 22:44 (4,922 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

The Hoover 700 has it's handle bail painted. Originally it would have it polished out like the base. The bag originally would be a spreader type. I can't recall the pattern it would have had but i think it was all black with "the hoover" in a curly script.

Cord I can not tell. I don't know if the 700 came with a cloth cord or rubber. It may be original.

Post# 140005 , Reply# 12   6/16/2011 at 23:01 (4,922 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I think I may have made a mistake: I think it might say "to fit" behind the handle.


Post# 140031 , Reply# 13   6/17/2011 at 13:28 (4,921 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture

Your GE has the original bag, too. Nice find. I saw the year of that model just the other day somewhere. I think it was 1938...

Post# 140032 , Reply# 14   6/17/2011 at 13:32 (4,921 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture

Oops - I see that I must've read the date on your other thread, as supplied by Marty from a list from Marc Turbyfill. I KNEW I had just read it somewhere!

Post# 140037 , Reply# 15   6/17/2011 at 15:51 (4,921 days old) by Trebor ()        
The upright handle assembly...

for the Westinghouse hand vac is cool. I always wondered why Royal did not put a fitting on the handle of the Prince to accept an "S" tubular handle with a grip. Perfect for those really tight corners on the floor.

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