Thread Number: 13111
LUX hoses
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Post# 139674   6/14/2011 at 00:22 (4,965 days old) by Real1 ()        

OK, I'm a little confused here. I was expecting the 1205 (for some reason), to have the pigtail plug-in for my newer hose. This is my first does the electrical connections for the PN's take place at the hose connection to the canister and then you plug in the PN's at the grip? If so, I'll need another new hose. I keep looking for a hidden compartment in the 1205 to plug the pigtail into.;-)


Post# 139693 , Reply# 1   6/14/2011 at 07:04 (4,965 days old) by vinvac (Dubuque IA)        

vinvac's profile picture



If memory serves me correctly, perhaps one of the first 1205 had a separate connection for the power nozzle but all the rest had a direct connect.  You can purchase a new hose much cheaper and the same quality from Steel City.



Post# 139694 , Reply# 2   6/14/2011 at 08:13 (4,965 days old) by Real1 ()        

Thanks Morgan....I'll check out Steel City. I bought a cheap, newer hose once for the G's that you had to attach the electric line was a piece of junk. Then later, I bought a hose with an internal electric line/pigtail that I still use on the G's. It's great, but I paid about $80 for it.


Post# 139705 , Reply# 3   6/14/2011 at 15:13 (4,964 days old) by Real1 ()        

As an addendum, I had to apply to Steel City as a business. I have a small business, but not vacuums. Hopefully, they'll let me be a 'member' or whatever they call it.


Post# 139706 , Reply# 4   6/14/2011 at 15:23 (4,964 days old) by minivanmegafun ()        

You can also get hoses from GoVacuum or Hesco without having to sign up as a business.

Post# 139721 , Reply# 5   6/14/2011 at 20:58 (4,964 days old) by Real1 ()        

Yeah, I know about Hesco, but never bought anything there. Their hoses are cheaper, which makes me suspicious. The one I paid over $80 for some yrs ago was 'Electrolux' OE and that was @TotalVac. I found one there for the 1205 today, but they want $99 for it. I think that's outrageous and somebody must have an OE hose cheaper?

I bought a cheaper one for the G's before the OE hose and what a piece of junk that was. You could hear air whistling through the joint and it screeched when it swiveled.


Post# 139817 , Reply# 6   6/15/2011 at 17:25 (4,963 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Lux hose

Is this the style you're refering to with that style pistol grip? I like this one here (looks exactlylike OEM Lux) better than the other style with less angle grip/bulky ends

CLICK HERE TO GO TO floor-a-matic's LINK

Post# 139821 , Reply# 7   6/15/2011 at 17:28 (4,963 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
This style hose

I really hate it because its too bulky & heavy; also the hose itself (Not counting couplings) is shorter. That's why I NEVER sell this style hose at all; the OEM-type is far better.

Post# 139874 , Reply# 8   6/15/2011 at 22:22 (4,963 days old) by Real1 ()        
This one....

Here is the expensive one from the same site. My only objection is the price, but it look like a really awesome, reinforced OE hose. Your link shows a 'generic' LUX hose...I have no problem with that other than that cheap, squeaking generic POS I bought before.

And it has to be the correct style for the 1205 that has no pigtail on the canister for the PN. Some of the generic hoses have a switch in the grip, so that you can shut off the PN without unplugging it or turning off the vacuum. I just don't know if that's adding potential problems or not?



Post# 140023 , Reply# 9   6/17/2011 at 09:26 (4,962 days old) by Real1 ()        

I bought the hose from TotalVac...the one floor-a-matic liked, except that I rather fancied the grey one.

Steel City called me about my 'membership'. I had a rather bizarre conversion with a woman there;

(Her)So I see you have a small business, but not a vacuum business.

(Me)Well I collect and repair vacuums.

(Her)You repair vacuums for like friends?

(Me)Actually, people know I fix things and bring them to me.

(Her)But you're not in the vacuum repair business?

(Me)No, not really.

(Her)Well then, since you're not in the vacuum business, you can't be a member.

So, there you have it. I guess she was just curious, or wanted me to fudge my answers to become a member. Generally I find in life, that if you start out with dishonesty, nothing really good comes of it.


Post# 140130 , Reply# 10   6/18/2011 at 16:25 (4,960 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Generic Lux Hose

Are these hoses made by Lawrence Industries? I had an Electrolux hose made by Lawrence before.

Post# 140155 , Reply# 11   6/18/2011 at 20:30 (4,960 days old) by Real1 ()        

I don't know about this one I ordered....the one I have now is grey, came from TotalVac and I paid over $80 for it a couple of yrs ago. It says Model-EH-4P. I can't find the manufacturer's name on it. But that was an OE hose. The new grey one I just ordered was generic.

The OE hose is perfect, so that generic will have big shoes to fill.


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