Thread Number: 13103
Kirby Story
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Post# 139617   6/13/2011 at 11:51 (4,966 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        

So yesterday I got a Kirby Heritage for free with a bunch of attachments from my brothers girlfriends mom. It had been at their old house (which burned to the ground) and at their new house it was just sitting in the garage for about 3 years. so she gave it to me and the heat from the fire greatly sped up the oxidation so the metal looks terrible but some of the trim pieces, cord, belt lifter, motor, etc. are good so im gonna use it for parts and use the attachments on my heritage 84. but this morning i went out to my garage to retrieve the good parts off it (heres the best part), as i approached the machine something slithered into the fan chamber neck. so of course i stop in my tracks and grab the ice chipper. and to my surprise a good sized garter (or however its spelled) came out and was trying to act threatening, so i killed it lol then when i banged the machine on the ground to see if there were any other critters inside a bunch of fire ants came out so i sprayed and killed all those. so my morning was pretty exciting lol.
included are a few pics. some of the kirby stuff(more to come) and the last one is of the dead snake. its pretty good sized and still a little creepy haha

Post# 139618 , Reply# 1   6/13/2011 at 11:52 (4,966 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        


Post# 139619 , Reply# 2   6/13/2011 at 11:55 (4,966 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        

i was gonna post the pic of the dead snake but i realized after looking at it that i like texas chainsaw massacred it and im sure none of you would wanna see that soo lol but ill have more pics of the attachments up soon


Post# 139623 , Reply# 3   6/13/2011 at 13:09 (4,965 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

That Heritage doesn't look too bad at all, just needs a polish up and it'll be ticketyboo... :)

Just goes to show, metal vacuum cleaners will last longer, even surviving trial by fire... :D

Post# 139636 , Reply# 4   6/13/2011 at 16:29 (4,965 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        

there are parts of it that could be polished but other parts like the bottom are far to gone to be fixed. plus the power switches on/off mechanism broke of so they had the switch taped down, the broshroll is shot, the zipper is melted together on the bag, the emtor has a huge hole in it, and it has alot of meltingg

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