My local shop said my trusty Electrolux model E finally needs its motor rebuilt - I am getting info on good shops to do this, and about what it should cost to do this.
My local shop said he has problem getting some parts for a motor this old any more.
Post# 139735 , Reply# 1   6/14/2011 at 22:51 (4,964 days old) by bill57(Cleveland, Ohio)  
I pulled this from a post on this forum: Also, do a search on this forum and find Nathan Thomas's detailed guide on how to rebuild an Electrolux motor. It's all here!
Basically you clean the commutator on the armature , replace the brushes and evaluate and/or replace the bearings on either end of the armature shaft. There are ways to test the coil windings on the armature itself, but seldom is there a problem there unless the motor was stalled and got hot without the benefit of thermal shut-off sensors. Sometimes the commutator grooves are worn and too shallow...they can be deepened again with a special pull tool or a knife blade of the appropriate size.