Thread Number: 13085
The Self Adjusting Bee Vac (Finally some pics)
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Post# 139471   6/11/2011 at 18:27 (4,927 days old) by bvac6 (Fort Wayne, Indiana)        

bvac6's profile picture
This was an ebay find for $12, ive had it for a few years. I didnt snap a picture of the model plate because it only says manufactured by the Birtman Electric Company. I beleive this machine is all original, and it came to me incredibly clean with minimal scratches. The copper in the motor was flawlessly shiny. One other thing I might note is that it uses a square end brushroll just like older Royals. The roller on it seems to be made of brass.

Post# 139489 , Reply# 1   6/11/2011 at 21:40 (4,927 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

That is amazing! If possible I would love to see some pictures of the rest of the cleaner! It's not every day that we get to see these.

Post# 139497 , Reply# 2   6/11/2011 at 23:08 (4,927 days old) by bvac6 (Fort Wayne, Indiana)        

bvac6's profile picture
Ive got a couple more pics on my profile album, its really a cool vac, one of my favorites. I havent been able to find a lick of info on it anywhere.

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