Thread Number: 13069
Royal Canister (round)
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Post# 139298   6/10/2011 at 14:00 (4,872 days old) by bluejoy ()        

Hello all,
Came across this fascinating forum and had no idea people collected vacuum cleaners! As I've read thru alot of threads and can appreciate the designs and engineering of old vacuums and the amount of knowledge and details many of you have picked up and pass along to others.

My 85 year old mom has an old Royal Vacuum and wanted to know if its worth anything to anyone. She mostly used it (with the brush) to vacuum the furniture until I noticed that the electric cord was hanging on by a literal thread close to the base and finally broke off. It also has a patched bag with a hole in it. The gasket looks to be in great shape. We are still hunting for the long attachment pole(s) that came with it.

Take a look and if you're interested let me know. It would be nice to send it to a good home :)

PS Anyone know where/if there is a nameplate? I couldnt find one indicating the model # on it anywhere.

Post# 139299 , Reply# 1   6/10/2011 at 14:03 (4,872 days old) by bluejoy ()        
Here's another picture

Another picture

Post# 139301 , Reply# 2   6/10/2011 at 14:05 (4,872 days old) by bluejoy ()        
Unfortunate broken cord

The cord

Post# 139303 , Reply# 3   6/10/2011 at 14:15 (4,872 days old) by kenkart ()        
Royal Canister!

The one you have is a older model, Royal made these from the mid fifties to the mid eightys, they are great vacuums, off hand yours is probably early 60s.

Post# 139312 , Reply# 4   6/10/2011 at 16:16 (4,872 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
This one appears to be a model 231 from the '60s.


Post# 139365 , Reply# 5   6/10/2011 at 22:40 (4,872 days old) by Bluejoy ()        
Ideas on value?

Thanks for the replies. My mom vaguely remembers buying a vacuum back in the '60s so this could be the one. My sisters and I grew up using it - it worked great and is made like a tank.

Any ideas on value if we put it on Ebay? We're not expecting much except to cover shipping costs unless this is some kind of rare bird :) If anyone in here is interested give us a heads up.

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