Thread Number: 13065
Several Vintage Machines for sale
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Post# 139231   6/9/2011 at 22:16 (4,992 days old) by Kirbyotronic ()        

I'm selling my 70's American Hoover Junior. It's the cream and avocado model. Mint condition and all original, extra bags and it has a green rubber handle grip (not attached so you can put it on or leave it off).

If anybody is interested make me an offer plus shipping.

I don't have time for games so if you think you want it or contact me and make a deal with no solid intentions of actually paying for it, please don't.

It's already disassembled, packed in a box and ready to ship. I can get some pics tomorrow.



Post# 139233 , Reply# 1   6/9/2011 at 22:29 (4,992 days old) by Kirbyotronic ()        

Some more:

1950's Hoover Dustette (red white and blue model) in box, all original. It has some paperwork with it, runs and works well. Make offer (pic below is from the auction, hasn't changed since I've owned it).

60's GE gray portable canister, the model number escapes my mind at the moment. It is complete with the original box, caddy, attachments, paperwork, hose, etc. Everything is in good condition and the machine runs and works well. Pics tomorrow, make offer.

Kirby 508, all original, missing cord. The gray rubber handle is chewed up, two of the wheels are broken (I will include two good condition ones from a 509). I never tested it, I *think* it has a broken fan but not for certain, will check and pics tomorrow. Make offer.

Please, no insulting, super low-ball offers.


Post# 139240 , Reply# 2   6/9/2011 at 22:41 (4,992 days old) by opelgtkarl (Puyallup, Washington)        
The Junior

opelgtkarl's profile picture
Alex I may be interested in the Junior, so could I call you about it? I would love to see it.

Post# 139242 , Reply# 3   6/9/2011 at 22:53 (4,992 days old) by Kirbyotronic ()        


Also selling a Hoover 28. The bag is a little faded, the brush roll is a little rusty and I can't get it out, and it needs a motor tune-up. But it is complete with all of the tools, box/caddy, hose, and some paperwork as well. Make offer.

Post# 139244 , Reply# 4   6/9/2011 at 22:55 (4,992 days old) by Kirbyotronic ()        

Here is the Dustette, this is a pic I took.

Post# 139245 , Reply# 5   6/9/2011 at 22:57 (4,992 days old) by Kirbyotronic ()        

I'm also selling this Atlas, comes with everything pictured, runs and works well and the hose is decently airtight. The cord is a replacement.

Post# 139264 , Reply# 6   6/10/2011 at 02:40 (4,992 days old) by OpelGTKarl (Puyallup, Washington)        

opelgtkarl's profile picture
Alex, what do you want for the Atlas??? I will do almost anything for that machine. This and a Canadian Electrolux 89 are my 2 most sought after canister. I have the Electrolux, now all I need is an Atlas. Being that we are so close to each other, distance wise, you wouldn't need to ship it.
Let me know.

Post# 139277 , Reply# 7   6/10/2011 at 07:30 (4,992 days old) by singingrainbow (Texas)        

Could you give me an estimate on how much you would like to get for the hoover junior, I have had a secret want for one of them for a long time.

Post# 139545 , Reply# 8   6/12/2011 at 15:56 (4,989 days old) by Kirbyotronic ()        

Kirby 508, all original. Broken fan and needs bearings, no cord. Two wheels are busted but will come with two identical wheels from a 509. Make offer plus $30 for shipping. For those interested, more pics are available through email.

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