Thread Number: 13060
Old Kenmore
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Post# 139179   6/9/2011 at 18:40 (4,999 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

I have no idea what model of old kenmore this is, and unsure of the year, hard to tell from the pics the owner sent me, but $25 is the asking price. Any thoughts??

Post# 139180 , Reply# 1   6/9/2011 at 18:40 (4,999 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

pic #2

Post# 139182 , Reply# 2   6/9/2011 at 18:46 (4,999 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

I Passed one up by mistake a long time ago. Heck yes for that price! They are cool machines

Post# 139186 , Reply# 3   6/9/2011 at 19:34 (4,999 days old) by eluxomarty (Palm Springs)        

I have one like that complete with white cord. This Kenmore looks like a Hoover 150. I found mine at a swap meet for $25.00 and I thought that was a deal for how old the machine was and how rare as you don't see these often in Southern California. I intended to change out the cord until I noticed it was a genuine Kenmore replacement cord. I thought if the ownwer thought enough to take that old of a vacuum back to Sears to have the cord replaced, I would keep the cord as is.

BTW, that vacuum may have six wheels underneath it. Mine does.

I hope you get it.


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