Thread Number: 13027
hoover convertible thrift store find
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Post# 138898   6/7/2011 at 17:01 (4,876 days old) by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
took a pic of this guy at thrift world today. it was tagged as $4.99 i turned it on, and it worked, but a cloud of dust shot out the back, and sounded like it needed some mechanical loving. seeing as i promised myself to only stay with kirby's or id end up with more vacs than i have room for, i passed on it, though really wanted to take it home.

im guessing it's a mid 1970's vintage from the style, but lacking the headlight that era had, im not sure if it may have been a commerical version?

anyway, here's the pic. costmetically it looked nice as you can tell, not much tlc would have been needed to be done to it. i found a kirby classic III here once, and is the same place i got my heritage II from.

Post# 138902 , Reply# 1   6/7/2011 at 17:31 (4,876 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Nice vac. I believe you are correct about the mid to late 70's vintage on that. I wish I had the willpower to pass vacs up because my collection is growing very fast indeed!

Post# 138905 , Reply# 2   6/7/2011 at 17:46 (4,876 days old) by 1926700 ()        
from what i understand......

that was one of the two first plastic based Convertibles from 1978 and 1979...the other was a all Butterscotch colored one (model U4119).....and that ran from 1979 through 1985 and by 1983 was slightly updated with a plastic switch cover and slider switch as opposed to the toggle switch and classic metal switch plate that was used 30 years before hand.....and your was not produced near as long as the butterscotch was....thus yours (model U4127) only had the toggle and metal switch plate.....both were considered promotional opposed to higher A, B, and C line models ,promos were the lowest....


here are my two....

yours has great potential....just take care in cleaning and detail it well, and that will be one great machine....mine was far worse when i got it.....and that what tells me that....

take care...


Post# 138911 , Reply# 3   6/7/2011 at 18:31 (4,876 days old) by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
dmj, i passed on it. i have 2 kirby's that still need restoring (classic III and tradition) and as much as i would've loved to pick up that convertible, im going to stick to kirby or ill end up with more vacs than i honestly have room for! because the 70's era hoover's of this kind are kinda growing on me.... maybe when im in a place of my own...

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