Thread Number: 13026
Kirby question???
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Post# 138887   6/7/2011 at 14:37 (4,931 days old) by kenkart ()        

Can you still get Odorific, I bought a Omega the other day at the Goodwill, and it had a un opened bottle of odorific in the Sani scraper pouch, I had forgotten just how good it was,.

Post# 138888 , Reply# 1   6/7/2011 at 14:49 (4,931 days old) by a007kirbyman (--->> Originally My Mom <<--- (now Wisconsin))        
Hans & Odorific...

a007kirbyman's profile picture
Hello Hans,

Hopefully this will help. If you L@@K at: Reply# 6, I had posted some info. on all three fragrances.

Cheers & hagd all,


Here's the link, or click below:

CLICK HERE TO GO TO a007kirbyman's LINK

Post# 138889 , Reply# 2   6/7/2011 at 15:06 (4,931 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        



Does the "original" scent of Odorific smell the same as Kirby's older odor-eradicating product, SweetAire? I do love the scent of SweetAire. The Kirby dealer I worked for in Maryland practically wore the stuff as cologne! Whenever he went out on a demo he would make sure to instill a few drops of it into the Kirby he was going to show. When you walked into his store, the faint scent always hung in the air.



Post# 138891 , Reply# 3   6/7/2011 at 15:28 (4,931 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
as a cologne? *shocked here*

Ok, it might work with somebody who is pleasing to the eye right from the spot on, but would it work with the original Kirby guy? I have my serious and well proven doubts.....
The idea by itself is somewhat cheesy to me (if not outright crazy).

Ok, I will dry bathe in Sapur Carpet Fresh powder tomorrow, let's see....

What a backfire! What if it is lingering in the air and what if those families didn't like him or the occasion - forever they will shreak away from anything Kirby when they just get a hint of that smell.
This guy is more than crazy (or at least very self-assured, to say the least).
Smell is so deep-rooted in human mind, I would NEVER dare such a risky experiment. He can spoil it for generations to come.

*shaking head in disbelief*

Post# 138908 , Reply# 4   6/7/2011 at 18:11 (4,931 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Im not sure of the original scent of the old time "SweetAire", but i do know that the Odorific that came with the Omega was a cinnamon oil base.
Several yrs ago, a friend was cleaning out his mother's estate, and asked if id like her Kirby,,which of course i did.
It was an early production Classic Omega,,with the original shipping box and all. The attachment box and hose were still in the shipping box, along with the Rug Renovator in its box, and the Miracle Head in its box. The little glass bottle of Odorific was still in the attachment box, unopened. The lady never used the hose, or any of then attachments, everything in the shipping box was unused. THe Kirby itself was in pristene condition. Still had the original belt on it even.
Anyway, i did open the little bottle of Odorific, and it was definatly very cinamony. This was about 15 yrs ago, and the smell is still as strong as ever, whenever i use it.

Post# 138931 , Reply# 5   6/7/2011 at 21:19 (4,931 days old) by luxg ()        

IMHO orderific does not smell like the original Sweet Aire at all.  There are different scents for the orderific available I believe.  I like the original one best.  it has such a clean fresh smell.  

Post# 138982 , Reply# 6   6/8/2011 at 10:55 (4,930 days old) by a007kirbyman (--->> Originally My Mom <<--- (now Wisconsin))        
Odorific & it's smell...

a007kirbyman's profile picture
Hello & good morning all,

Charlie, Terry is correct about the smell. It in no way resembles the original Sweet Aire.

I have a wide variety of the Kirby 'scents' from over the years, from the Sweet Aire up thru the present. And, what I've found, is that Kirby reformulates the product here & there as 'they' deem appropriate to the market 'masses.'

~~~~~If anyone is attempting to remove odors (vs. adding an add'l scent), the Kirby Odor Clear Ultra does a fantastic job, (in my customer's opinions [as well as mine]).

I've had numerous times where I've later spoken with a customer (after a Tune-up, for example) & they've asked me "...what did you do to get rid of the [dog, cat, dead bodies (kidding), etc] 'smells' from the machine..." I tell them I used the Kirby Odor Clear Ultra. I think it's great stuff!!! (mho)

And, since Kirby NOW has it in a 22 oz. bottle, it's also a better deal as well. It's ONLY $9.36 for the 22 oz. bottle thru me.

I hope this info is helpful.

Cheers & hagd all,


Post# 138992 , Reply# 7   6/8/2011 at 14:17 (4,930 days old) by Trebor ()        

was a sweet pine based scent. Mom used it in her 517 when it was new

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