Thread Number: 13014
Omega Nights
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Post# 138751   6/6/2011 at 19:39 (4,799 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Well, after I ate dinner this evening I ventured down to my favorite thrift store. Mondays are the late night there and the 1st Monday is always 1/2 price day. At any rate, I would believe it is fairly obvious where my 1st stop always is, and of course it is in the wayyyy back as well. As I approached I saw this nice Omega there. They had $30 bucks on it but as it was 1/2 price day, I figured $15 was quite acceptable. Tested it out and bearings sound good to go. So of course I had to bring it home. It seems that my frequent purchases from this store of vacs is giving the pricers the impression that there must be gold castings within, as the prices seem to be going up in general. Have others experienced this, and if so, how does one cope!

Post# 138766 , Reply# 1   6/6/2011 at 20:57 (4,799 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Unfortunately not the original bag, does anyone else see non original add ons??? I suspect this one was rebuilt at some point, otherwise it was rarley used, the innards are just too darn clean..... Does anyone have an original omega bag they would be willing to sell?

Post# 138767 , Reply# 2   6/6/2011 at 21:07 (4,799 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Although not original I do like that bag. Had a Kirby with that bag once as well.

I did notice that after my friend and i kept buying up old kirbys from the goodwill last chance store that prices increased. Pre classic Kirby vacs are now $15. Classic thru heratige are $20. And g series are usually $25.

Bcause of that i now will pass all kirbys unless they are a rare model.

Post# 138778 , Reply# 3   6/6/2011 at 21:34 (4,799 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
Derek scores yet again!

You're really on a roll lately.  Congratulations!  That's the model I sold one summer back when I was in college.  I guess that dates me, LOL.  That bag doesn't look bad.  At least it has a vinyl stitching pattern which the authentic ones had.   The cord is a replacement too.  I think I have an original one lying around somewhere.  It looks like the headlight lense is missing, but that shouldn't be hard to find.   I noticed that service label for Cutter Vac;  maybe it was serviced not too long ago hence its clean condition. 



Post# 138790 , Reply# 4   6/6/2011 at 21:51 (4,799 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Yes I have been quite fortunate lately! My wife is threatning to call "Hoarders" at this point. LOL. If you could have seen the look on her face when I came home with this... I LOVE IT!!! I think you are likely right about that Cutter Vac label, they are in the city right to the South of me, so perhaps I could check with them...

Post# 138792 , Reply# 5   6/6/2011 at 21:54 (4,799 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
$15 for a Kirby is always great. You are not the only one experiencing higher prices! The Goodwill in our area has now upgraded to stickers with barcodes, and the reasonable prices went with the old stickers. $25 dollars for a Bissell Powerforce! Good vacuums are also disappearing. Last year, there would be at least one reasonable vac at one of the Goodwills I visited. I passed up many nice Hoovers I would get today, even at higher prices. Now it's all junk! Only one good thrift store remains: a church owned store called Gracie's that tests all of their electrical donations.

Sorry to go off topic, but you asked :)

Post# 138798 , Reply# 6   6/6/2011 at 21:58 (4,799 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

The Goodwills in my area wont even sell vacs that are older than a few yrs, so I don't even bother with them any more. Sadly, I would assume they just throw the older ones that get donated out. The one I seem to have the most luck with is simiar to what you described, a religious affiliated one. Craigslist as of recent has been good too...

Post# 138809 , Reply# 7   6/6/2011 at 22:16 (4,799 days old) by kirbyvacuum (Long Island New York)        

Hi Derek You are very lucky here on Long Island their are very ,very few Goodwill stores so it is very hard to get any vacuums. Like your new Kirby Doug

Post# 139386 , Reply# 8   6/11/2011 at 06:08 (4,794 days old) by thermokid (Casper, Wyoming)        
Kirby Omega

My kirby Omega had that same bag on it when I bought it new. It has a patch sewn on it at the top front that says Kirby classic and the omega sign. I love that machine it was the first new Kirby I had ever purchased from the door to door salesman. I still have the same machine and it works great after all these years ( I bought it in 1976) the only thing I don't like about it is the bag seems to leak dust out of it really bad. But I don't care I still use it once in awhile and it still has that good old Kirby roar they had with the metal fans.. Dan

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