Thread Number: 13013
what if you,
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Post# 138739   6/6/2011 at 18:03 (4,799 days old) by super-sweeper (KSSRC Refurbishment Center)        

super-sweeper's profile picture
stuff a kirby bag full?i have always wanted to do this,but not if it hurts my machine.

Post# 138743 , Reply# 1   6/6/2011 at 18:47 (4,799 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

I would think you would start losing suction fast as it gets a lot of stuff in it. I havve seen some very bloated bags from dirt but never Any completely filled ones.

Post# 138755 , Reply# 2   6/6/2011 at 20:13 (4,799 days old) by thevacuumguy96 (Pocatello, ID)        

I know a guy who has two Kirby G4's and he got the paper bag so full on one of them, that it actually exploded inside the outer bag.

Post# 138759 , Reply# 3   6/6/2011 at 20:22 (4,799 days old) by Trebor ()        
I saw a G5...

so full that the bag looked like the machine was on, even when it wasn't. The dirt filled the fill tube and was nearly touching the fan blades. The Kirby weight 64 lbs with the full bag.

"It's not picking up so good anymore" she said

Post# 138761 , Reply# 4   6/6/2011 at 20:41 (4,799 days old) by blackheart (North Dakota)        
Legend II

blackheart's profile picture
MY parents filled one of the cloth bags so full that the bag was hard and the fill tube left a big impression on the bag

Post# 139385 , Reply# 5   6/11/2011 at 05:56 (4,794 days old) by thermokid (Casper, Wyoming)        
Kirby bag to full

I filled my cloth dump bag on my Omega so full one time just to see if it would still pick up dirt. It still had awesome suction, but when you let go of the handle the machine would fall over on its side. I've never done that again since.

Post# 139392 , Reply# 6   6/11/2011 at 07:24 (4,794 days old) by super-sweeper (KSSRC Refurbishment Center)        
but would it harm the machine?

super-sweeper's profile picture
could this cause any damage to the motor?and has anyone tried this one a sanitronic 80?

Post# 139394 , Reply# 7   6/11/2011 at 08:11 (4,794 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

When my brother "borrowed" my LegendII (didn't ask, he just took it), he did just that, filled the bag until it was so hard the bag would stand up on it's own, and he split the filltube, so it was in a right mess, and he said "it's not picking up any more, it's broken", and I was "It's not broken, it's just in the hands of an idiot who doesn't bother to change the damned bag!!!", of course, he now does not have said LegendII, that's in pieces out in the workshop cos it has so many deep gouges in the metal that were not there before, needs more work than I can be bothered to do, still runs fine though, just looks beaten up...

My advice, do not lend anything out without asking for a monetary deposit first, any damage and you keep the money to pay for repairs and replacement parts...

Post# 139606 , Reply# 8   6/13/2011 at 02:51 (4,792 days old) by thermokid (Casper, Wyoming)        
Does it harm the machine?

It shouldn't hurt the motor since the Kirby motor has a second fan to keep it cool. And the dirt goes into the bag not through this fan....

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