Thread Number: 12974
Hoover 63 Bellows |
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Post# 138334   6/2/2011 at 20:29 (4,976 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)   |   | |
This past weekend Chad Cunningham and I took apart and restored his Hoover 63 and I noticed that I am missing the wire support for the bellows on mine. The bellows tend to slip out without the wire support. I was able to cut a piece of wire with wire cutters and create a temporary fix.
Anyway I wanted to know if wire support could still be ordered? Does anybody have any suggestions? Am I missing anything else? |
Post# 138397 , Reply# 2   6/3/2011 at 12:13 (4,976 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)   |   | |