Thread Number: 12958
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Post# 138242   6/1/2011 at 22:27 (5,000 days old) by ralph (Morgan Hill)        

My youngest daughter went up to visit her sister and husband in El Dorado Hills and was hoodwinked into bringing what’s left of my Craiglist Kirby 509 back with her. Too bad for Ally that she does not drive yet as she had to take the train…

Post# 138258 , Reply# 1   6/2/2011 at 00:03 (5,000 days old) by Red_October ()        

What a missed opportunity to have a go at the passengers! Just plug the thing in and vacuum your little spot of carpet before you sit down. Everyone would be thinking: "Look at this crazy person!" Would make for a great bit on a hidden-camera TV show.

Those are great machines; they clean at least as well as any modern cleaner and are a bit lighter than more modern Kirbys. Was that bag replaced? Mine is much more pale than what we see in the picture.

Post# 138259 , Reply# 2   6/2/2011 at 00:17 (5,000 days old) by jfalberti (Visalia, CA)        
You think that's funny,

jfalberti's profile picture
I don't drive, and a lot of my thrift finds I bring home on the bus. I have gotten to know a lot of the drivers, and they tell me to start in the back and work my way forward. When I ask them where to plug it in, they say just plug it in to the engine. Some of them now ask me about their own vacs. It's pretty cool.

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