Thread Number: 12951
A couple hand-vacs and an Airway bag?
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Post# 138198   6/1/2011 at 18:14 (4,882 days old) by Sablekid ()        

Hey guys!

Went out hunting for an hour today and came across a GE and a Westinghouse hand vac. I dont usually pick hand vacs up, but I kinda liked em and they were cheap..only 10.00 for the duo! Dont know anything about them, and thought someone here might

And they came with this Air Way bag that has a big zipper on the top. Not sure what its for.....not sure I want it, but perhaps someone here does??

Post# 138199 , Reply# 1   6/1/2011 at 18:14 (4,882 days old) by Sablekid ()        


Post# 138201 , Reply# 2   6/1/2011 at 18:15 (4,882 days old) by Sablekid ()        


Post# 138265 , Reply# 3   6/2/2011 at 01:49 (4,882 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Could that AiurWay bag be a "demo" bag for their uprights?Or did they make a hand vacuum that bag would have been used on.The hand vacs are pretty neat.Have one like the GE in the last picture-was given to me by someone here at work.

Post# 138282 , Reply# 4   6/2/2011 at 11:02 (4,882 days old) by Sablekid ()        

Im not sure about the bag, there was a pretty screwed up vacuum accessory in it that was all melted up, but it read "Air Way" C 1922.....perhaps it held accessories?

Post# 138311 , Reply# 5   6/2/2011 at 17:14 (4,881 days old) by kc_kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

It looks like the bag belongs to an old Air Way upright. I notice one hole on the left side, that is where it attaches to the machine.


Post# 138312 , Reply# 6   6/2/2011 at 17:23 (4,881 days old) by Oreck_XL (Brooklyn, New York 11211)        

oreck_xl's profile picture
That bag actually is for the AirWay upright. Later straight suction models offered a shoulder caddy which allowed the machine to be more portable. The disposable bag would be folded in half to fit into the smaller outer bag. Unfortunately, I do not have a scanner or I could show you in the Air-Way manual.

- Hershel

Post# 138418 , Reply# 7   6/3/2011 at 17:52 (4,880 days old) by Sablekid ()        

I see

Well, I have no use for it...

If anyone would like it, let me know!

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