Thread Number: 12912
NIB Heritage II
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Post# 137829   5/28/2011 at 08:37 (5,005 days old) by sanimatic ()        

Recently jumped on the NIB Bandwagon and purchased a NIB Heritage II. This is one of the most fun vacuums to use that I have ever owned. I love how the bag inflates (more noticeably than on the G series)and it seems like such a modernized version of the old style Kirbys.

I do have to say that I was having more trouble on this one than any other Kirby that I own to find the proper height adjustment for my carpet. The change in motor tone and 1 to 2 clicks down still did not seem to adhere to the floor and I heard tons of air flowing through the nozzle. Yet one click further down and I could not push the thing at all. I upgraded the brush roll to the ball bearing and it is MUCH better. It is both easier to push and it grooms the carpet visibly better. I am having so much fun with this


Post# 137832 , Reply# 1   5/28/2011 at 09:33 (5,005 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
That was my favorite Kirby I ever owned! Wish I still had that bad boy.

Post# 137901 , Reply# 2   5/29/2011 at 08:11 (5,004 days old) by kirbyvacuum (Long Island New York)        
Beautiful job

Hi Chris Your Heritage looks like new.I love that unit i would really like to get the one you have with the two speed motor. I really do like the generation units if you have thick rugs thats the one to use i have the g3,4,5,6, I like the G3 and the G6 the best.I have aout 50 vacs in my colection many Kirbys one day i hope to find the 505.Take care Doug

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