Thread Number: 12905
hoover junior armature
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Post# 137783   5/27/2011 at 18:25 (5,005 days old) by garlee (england)        

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Hi.I have a collection of Hoover Juniors a 1334 a 1012 and a 1104 and was wondering whether the armature from the 1334 or 1012 would fit the1104 as the one currently in it has burnt out .Thanks

Post# 137786 , Reply# 1   5/27/2011 at 20:02 (5,005 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Yep, they're interchangeable, I did just that with my 1346 and U1104, and it all worked fine, can't recall which way round I did it though, but it worked fine... :)

Post# 137819 , Reply# 2   5/28/2011 at 03:32 (5,005 days old) by garlee (england)        

garlee's profile picture
Thanks for the reply .Tried to order an armature for the 1104 but noticed a different reference number for the part as compared to the ones for the 1334 and 1012. will let you know how i went on .The 1104 was my mothers which she got brand new and was passed onto me as it always performed faultlessly ,got a 1334 as always wanted one as my gran had one when i was very young and was always fasinated with it and the 1104 decided to pack in ! Must have been jealous of my new aquisition .Got a feeling that the armature had overheated as the motor was clogged up with fluff etc and had never been taken apart before.Have therefore cleaned the 1334 and 1012 to be on the safe side with those .Brilliant vacuums these Hoover Juniors and keep looking at other models to add to the ones i have

Post# 137834 , Reply# 3   5/28/2011 at 09:47 (5,005 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Yeah, Hoover Junior motors since the 1334 are prone to filling with fluff and dust (I think Hoover forgot that the dirt is meant to go into the bag, not the motor!!!), all four of the Juniors I've had have had motors like that, so best to strip the motors down, clean them out, clean & oil the rear bearing (use 3-in-one oil and cotton buds to clean them out, then fill with the oil until it won't soak up any more), the front bearing may also need replacing if it sounds rough (see my video below for a rough U1104 bearing), they're relatively simple machines though, so not hard to fix if they go wrong... :)


Post# 137939 , Reply# 4   5/29/2011 at 14:24 (5,003 days old) by hooverbaby (Dalton in Furness, UK)        
The U1104..

hooverbaby's profile picture
has a different armature to the 1346/A/1354/A. The 1334/A or U1012 armature is not a straight swap because the shaft is longer and designed for a machine with a round belt pulley, as opposed to the flat belt pulleys of the U1104 or U1036. Also, the U1104 armature is different to the U1036 one; the U1036 is bigger in circumference across the laminations..and the commutator is also bigger. I have swapped the U1036 type with U1104 and vice versa. It's not so bad going from the large to the small type. The other way about is no so advisable, since the brushholders are pretty close to the commutator.

The fans on the motors for the flat belt machines were also different. The centre of the fan boss didn't protrude as much. Early U1036s, with metal fans, had removable plastic inserts, unlike the later plastic ones. 1334s had metal ones originally with non-removable plastic inserts; then there were the replacement plastic and metal fans.

I've rebuilt loads of Junior motors but have never thought it feasible/physically possible to swap armatures between flat & round belt machines.


Post# 137941 , Reply# 5   5/29/2011 at 14:34 (5,003 days old) by hooverbaby (Dalton in Furness, UK)        
I once heard of someone..

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cutting down a 375 armature shaft at the belt pulley end and making it fit into a 119! Apparently it worked but I've never weighed it up myself whether the pitch/sizing of the threads on the pulleys are the same. If you try cutting down the 1334 armature to fit the U1036/U1104, you'll probably run out of threads and find that the shaft doesn't line up properly with the fan or bearing housing? Also, the motor wattages are different, earlier models eg 1346 being 250 watt, later ones eg U1104 about 300W..and the physical size is bigger than on the original not sure if you will get away with this!


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